{OT] A real tragedy

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Sujet : {OT] A real tragedy
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* example.com (Rhino)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 10. May 2024, 01:16:39
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <20240509191639.00001cee@example.com>
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I just read a truly sad story about a little girl who was born on a
plane - her mother hadn't realized she was pregnant - who died just
after her 5th birthday due to abuse by her mother's common-law husband.


(There are linked stories as well telling you more about this little
girl and her appalling parents.)

I hope the common-law husband gets a very long prison sentence or at
least one long enough to get him shanked by the other inmates.

Also, I hope the mother has finally learned enough about how appalling
some men are to make better choices of partners going forward.

One other point. I realize that most people will be incredulous that
any woman could give birth without realizing she was pregnant but I'm
actually familiar with a comparable case. 40 years back, when I was a
young programmer, one of my colleagues at work told us about another
colleague from work who she knew well who had gone to the staff doctor
that day to get something for a queasy tummy. The doctor looked her
over and said she did NOT have indigestion: she was pregnant and IN
LABOUR. They rushed her off to the hospital and she gave birth later
that day. Now, I did not know the pregnant woman but her friend told us
that she was normal-sized and had gained only a few pounds since
Christmas, which she put off to over-indulging on treats. The woman was
married but had no kids. (I don't recall now if she had any
desire to have kids.) I believe she was in her 30s. Based on that, I'm
prepared to believe that is is possible to be pregnant without knowing

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 May 24 o {OT] A real tragedy1Rhino

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