Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go

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Sujet : Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go
De : robin.miller (at) *nospam* invalid.invalid (Robin Miller)
Groupes :
Date : 10. May 2024, 16:46:19
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anim8rfsk wrote:
Robin Miller <robin.miller@invalid.invalid> wrote:
BTR1701 wrote:
Robin Miller <robin.miller@invalid.invalid> wrote:
At least in the sense that it actually is available. Scheduled for
Friday release but it's already on the Tubi website:
Filmed in South Africa, with South African actors, by a Canadian
production company.
What's it about? Beyond the incredibly vague IMDb synopsis, I mean.
A group of 20-somethings sneak into a rich guy's very expansive home,
thinking he's away, but he's not and he locks down the place and comes
after them. From the trailer, it seems decent.
 Well, two people, and at least one of them is a teenager, and they knew
damn well he wasn’t away, and if it were 1000 times better it wouldn’t even
begin to approach being decent.
So ... Better than the usual Tubi fare?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 May 24 * "Invasive" on Tubi is a go10Robin Miller
10 May 24 +- Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go1Ian J. Ball
10 May 24 `* Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go8BTR1701
10 May 24  `* Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go7Robin Miller
10 May 24   +- Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go1Arthur Lipscomb
10 May 24   `* Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go5Robin Miller
10 May 24    `* Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go4shawn
10 May 24     +- Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go1Ian J. Ball
11 May 24     `* Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go2shawn
11 May 24      `- Re: "Invasive" on Tubi is a go1shawn

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