Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-13 (Monday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-13 (Monday)
De : ijball (at) *nospam* mac.invalid (Ian J. Ball)
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Date : 14. May 2024, 15:02:17
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1vncq$5tov$>
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On 5/14/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:

What did you watch?
Yesterday, I made real progress on "closing out the year", at least in grading terms, so I may be able to take tomorrow (Wed.) "off". But that means I didn't get through much of anything yesterday:
soaps: GH - Drew conspires to have Nina help out with dumb Willow's practicing for her new PR job - Willow figures it that Drew is setting this up, getting Drew to confess it, and then confesses herself to Drew about helping Jason after he was shot. Later, Nina admits to Carly that Carly was right about Sonny - Carly still manages to be a bitch about it. Anna confronts Carly about visiting John Brennan in prison, and pretty much righteously lays Carly out (verbally, only, unfortunately!) for it - hopefully, Carly's antics here either get her arrested, or dead!!
I also watched one of the most boring episodes of "Wheel of Fortune" that I have ever seen - the dude even choked an easy final puzzle at the end! I'm also starting to see "Wheel" ads with Ryan Seacrest which I find highly... disturbing.
And that was it. Otherwise, I listened to music or later in the evening got work done.
What did you watch?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 May 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-05-13 (Monday)2Ubiquitous
14 May 24 `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-13 (Monday)1Ian J. Ball

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