Re: Extending Trump Tax Cuts Would Add $4.6 Trillion to Deficit: CBO

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Sujet : Re: Extending Trump Tax Cuts Would Add $4.6 Trillion to Deficit: CBO
De : suzeeq (at) *nospam* (suzeeq)
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Date : 14. May 2024, 17:15:38
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Message-ID : <v1vv6q$9eri$>
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On 5/14/2024 5:49 AM, Yak wrote:
On 5/13/2024 6:52 PM, Baxter wrote:
Skeeter <> wrote in
In article <6642836f$0$6559$>, "Charlie
Glock" says...
On 2024-05-13, Scout <>
"Yak" <> wrote in message
On 5/11/2024 8:05 AM, Scout wrote:
"Ford Prefect" <> wrote in message
On 5/10/2024 5:02 PM, spaminator wrote:
Ford Prefect <> wrote:
This one again?
Let's assume what the CBO says is correct (you can't because
it doesn't
account for the increased tax receipts that occur under tax
cuts), the IRS would have collected $4.6 billion per year
(4.6B/year * 10 years = 4.6T).
ROFL. Your arithmetic skills are broke. Back to 3rd grade for
What's broke? Or were you educated at a public school?
4.6B/year * 10 years = 46B
On the other hand, lets point out that difference is irrelevant
given the sort of deficits the government is, has, and will
continue to produce.
We need to eliminate the power of government to add or increase
any taxes.
They get 15% of the GDP (federal, state and local) and they have
to live within their means like everyone else.
Currently that would allow all levels of government to spend
$3.81 Trillion.
Another 5% would be applied directly to paying down the existing
state and national debts (and would not apply to new debt)
The FIRST budgetary item would be to pay the interest on any new
debt and paying off 5% of the principle of such debt.
The Secondary budget item would be to service of any bonds sold
to the public to finance large government projects.
The FINAL budget item would be pay for the elected officials.
In short, if the government is going into debt.. they don't get
Further they are prohibited from having any other sources of
Let's take it even another step further. According to the CBO the
total deficts from the beginning of the Trump tax cuts, and
extending them through 2033, is about $31 trillion. Subtract the
$4.6 trillion Trump tax cuts and you still have $26.4 trillion. Am
I supposed to feel better about this? Especially considering, as
Ford correctly noted, even if the govt collected it they would
spend it anyway.
As I said limit government spending to a percentage of the GDP. If
officials exceed those limits there are consequences.
Both parties spend like drunken sailors and it needs to stop. My
issue is more of a what are they spending my tax dollars on? Are
these bills productive or are millions of dollars set aside to study
how chickens mate?
In the 50's and 60's we taxed the rich to pay for out spending.  We can
do it again..
 The rich are already taxed.
Not as much as the middle class.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 May 24 o Re: Extending Trump Tax Cuts Would Add $4.6 Trillion to Deficit: CBO1suzeeq

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