Re: Job interview spectacular failure

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Sujet : Re: Job interview spectacular failure
De : dtravel (at) *nospam* (Dimensional Traveler)
Groupes :
Date : 16. May 2024, 03:22:37
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v23n4r$16c55$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 5/15/2024 11:41 AM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
Of course this is Florida.
 A man wanted to be a police officer in the worst way. On his job
application, he mentioned "playing sexual games". For some reason, this
raised a red flag during the hiring process. During the interview, he
was asked to expand on the answer he gave in the application.
 I'm not sure how it came up in the first place. Is there a question
asking the applicant to flat-out confess to past crimes?
There was on my application to work in the local DA's office.
I've done good in this world. Now I'm tired and just want to be a cranky dirty old man.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 May 24 * Job interview spectacular failure5Adam H. Kerman
15 May 24 +- Re: Job interview spectacular failure1BTR1701
16 May 24 +* Re: Job interview spectacular failure2Dimensional Traveler
16 May 24 i`- Re: Job interview spectacular failure1Adam H. Kerman
16 May 24 `- Re: Job interview spectacular failure1trotsky

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