Re: When They Tell You Who They Are...

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Sujet : Re: When They Tell You Who They Are...
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
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Date : 18. May 2024, 09:46:43
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Organisation : Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 5/12/24 4:15 AM, The Horny Goat wrote:
On Sat, 11 May 2024 07:32:35 -0400, FPP <> wrote:
They're no worse that the Christian Nationalists we have in this
country... except they're in power over here.
 You're saying Joe Biden is a "Christian Nationalist"?
 You definitely could have fooled me...
Nope. Biden is a traditionalist.  Look over on the other side of the aisle.
They're all over the place, and they're people in positions of power.
They believe the State should following the teachings of the Church.
Their church.

Residents of red states are significantly more likely than those in blue states to hold Christian nationalist beliefs.
 On the map, states with the highest levels of support for Christian nationalism form a horseshoe shape, starting in the upper Midwest, dipping down into the deep South, and then moving up again through the Appalachian Mountains. There are five states in which more than 45% of residents are Christian nationalism Adherents or Sympathizers: North Dakota (50%), Mississippi (50%), Alabama (47%), West Virginia (47%), and Louisiana (46%).

Nearly four in ten residents of red states are Christian nationalists (14% Adherents and 24% Sympathizers); this is nearly twice the proportion of blue state residents who are Christian nationalists (6% Adherents and 16% Sympathizers). Residents of seven battleground states look nearly identical to the national average: 10% are Christian nationalism Adherents and 19% are Sympathizers.

At the state level, support for Christian nationalism is strongly correlated with voting for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Overall, as the proportion of Christian nationalists in a state increases, the percentage of residents who voted for Trump in 2020 also increases. If the analysis is restricted to white Americans only, the relationship between state-level support for Christian nationalism and votes for Trump in 2020 becomes even stronger.
It ain't Biden we're worried about.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
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