Re: ping anim

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Sujet : Re: ping anim
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 19. May 2024, 22:12:25
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sat, 18 May 2024 20:45:47 -0700
anim8rfsk <> wrote:

Rhino <> wrote:
I just saw two news stories from your area. The one about the guy
shooting his own baby in Surprise was bad enough but surely wouldn't
impact you directly. But there was another headline that I can't
find now about a wildfire somewhere north of Scottsdale. I didn't
find out how far away it is though so I have no idea if it is
spitting distance or hours away. You don't have to evacuate do you?
From that video of the guy driving the Tesla around Scottsdale, I
got the impression you're a good long way from a major forest but
maybe the terrain changes closer to your home.
Scottsdale is 27 miles north to south and 13 miles east to west at its
widest point although most of it is skinnier than that. I used to be
in central Scottsdale, but the city keeps expanding north and now I
find myself in South Scottsdale without moving. The wildfires would
be at the north end so, at least 20 miles away from me. Where I live
is houses and asphalt and then there’s the Indian reservation which
looks like a nuclear test site where nothing grows for 100 miles.
As my brother would put it, Scottsdale seems to be surrounded by "a
whole lot of nothing much". (He coined that when we were driving
through northern North Dakota which is similarly desolate for many,
many long miles as you travel across the state parallel to the
Canadian border.)
That picture is looking south. On the right hand side is Scottsdale
where I live. On the left-hand side is the Indian reservation and it
just keeps going like that literally as far as the eye can see.
There’s nothing to catch fire. :-)
I am in sector one.
Surprise is about 40 miles west by Northwest. At that point you’re
well on your way to California.  It also is surrounded by miles and
miles of nothing but miles and miles.
I'm glad to hear you're well away from the danger zone! I've never
heard of a desert burning so I expect you're going to be just fine ;-)


Date Sujet#  Auteur
19 May 24 * ping anim3Rhino
19 May 24 `* Re: ping anim2Rhino
20 May 24  `- Re: ping anim1Dimensional Traveler

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