Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-22 (Wednesday)

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De : suzeeq (at) *nospam* (suzeeq)
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Date : 23. May 2024, 17:08:32
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On 5/23/2024 6:35 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
On 5/23/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
What did you watch?
 Yesterday, I completely finished work on one job for the semester, and have mostly finished another. TV-wise, I got through:
 Night Court (2023) (Peacock) - "The Best Dan" (ep. #2.13, the season #2 finale).
    This episode was enjoyable mostly for "nostalgia" reasons - Roz is back, to get married, and Abby talks Roz and Dan into burying the hatchet so Dan can attend the wedding. (How does that get the rest of them invited to the wedding?!)
    At the wedding is Christine Sullivan's (the late Markie Post from the original NG) sister, played by Gigi Rice, whom Dan takes an immediate liking to. But Christine's sister hates Dan for breaking Christine's heart back in the day.
    Meanwhile, Abby and her boyfriend, Jake (Ryan Hansen), decide they no longer want to be "casual" and want to take things to the "next level" of their relationship. Jake's mom is played by Julia Duffy (strangely, Duffy never guest-starred on the original "Night Court" series!), and they imply in the cliffhanger ending that Jake may actually be Dan's son!
    The ending gives no hint about Olivia leaving the show.
 soaps: GH - Tues' and Wed's ep's. OMG! They killed Gonzo!! The bastards!!!... These episodes were mostly dealing with the fallout of Gregory's death (e.g. Finn drinks, and Elizabeth refuses to leave Violet stay with him; Chase and Brook Lynn don't leave for their honeymoon), and the fallout of Sonny assaulting Dex (Sonny whines to various people, but Dante is done with it; Kristina gets Michael to ask Dex to not press charges, but thinks better of it and talks to Dex directly).
    DOOL - Wed's ep. The Brady house is finally restored after the fire, and Susan, Doug (Bill Hayes was actually in this episode! I wonder if it is his last appearance?...)
Yeah, it was good to see him. He may be on a time or two more because they're going to be airing his funeral/memorial on Dec 3. Be sure to watch, Gloria Loring is coming back, the actor who played Julie's brother from a long time ago, Jack and Jennifer, Sister Marie, and Hope, of course. And many others.

and Chad can't wait to move back home. Maggie and Alex (still acting like an idiot!) clash; later, NuTheresa manages to get herself invited along with Alex moving into the Kiriakis mansion. NuTate tells his friend that he and Holly the Brat are still secretly dating, but then finds out that both of his parents will be chaperoning prom!!
    Y&R - I saw a little of this - so Ashley has multiple personalities now?!! Meanwhile, I think Cole figured out that his and Victoria's daughter, Grace (Hayley Erin) is secretly up to something afterall(?...). Meanwhile, the Audra actress (Zuleyka Silver) has quite the booty on her!  ;p

Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 May 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-05-22 (Wednesday)5Ubiquitous
23 May 24 `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-22 (Wednesday)4Ian J. Ball
23 May 24  +- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-22 (Wednesday)1Arthur Lipscomb
23 May 24  +- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-22 (Wednesday)1suzeeq
23 May 24  `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-22 (Wednesday)1BTR1701

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