Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again

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Sujet : Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again
De : nanoflower (at) *nospam* (shawn)
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Date : 12. Jun 2024, 00:37:33
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:39:13 -0700, The Horny Goat <>

On Fri, 07 Jun 2024 21:05:07 -0500, Matt Walsh
<> wrote:
Disney has released its "gayest" Star Wars show yet. They have
apparently learned nothing from their string of failures over
the past several years.
Why do they expect to please the fans with that?

From their comments they (including CEO Iger) that there is a huge
untapped audience that can be brought in by focusing on DEI
(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) while maintaining most of their
existing audience. To the point that it seems that many of the people
they are hiring to write and run the new shows are focused on DEI over
the story as all they keep talking about to the press is how important
it is to focus on DEI and how great it is to have a show that
represents them and their lives.

I don't think it is going to work as focusing on DEI instead of
focusing on the stories seems bound to drive away many of the fans of
Star Wars. Though they seem to claim that all of the people
complaining are "toxic fans". Leslye Hedland even said that she went
out of her way when casting for THE ACOLYTE to hire people who knew
nothing of Star Wars so she could put her own spin on the universe.
Supposedly turning much of Lucas's ideas upside down and providing a
new groundwork for future stories including getting away from the idea
of their being a good and an evil side in the universe.

I remember the Star Wars premiere where all those  10 year olds went
"ewwwww!!!!" when Princess Leia planted one on Han Solo at the end of
the first Star Wars movie in a starkly non-gay kiss!

I have no problem if they want to include gay or non-binary characters
in their stories. I don't believe it is a good idea to build your
story around that idea (that there are LGBTQ+ characters) in the Star
Wars universe. Instead just make those characters naturally part of
the story. Something like with Captain Jack in Doctor Who. Yes the
character was bi-sexual but it didn't get in the way of telling a good
story and so wasn't the focus. I think it was only a focus in one
story and that was in TORCHWOOD.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Jun 24 * Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again6shawn
12 Jun 24 `* Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again5Adam H. Kerman
12 Jun 24  `* Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again4shawn
12 Jun 24   +- Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again1Adam H. Kerman
12 Jun 24   +- Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again1Danart
13 Jun 24   `- Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again1shawn

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