Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again

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Sujet : Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
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Date : 12. Jun 2024, 01:30:48
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4amn8$17u3d$>
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shawn <> wrote:
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 22:51:01 -0000 (UTC), Adam H. Kerman <>:
shawn <> wrote:
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:39:13 -0700, The Horny Goat <> wrote:

. . .

Why do they expect to please the fans with that?

From their comments they (including CEO Iger) that there is a huge
untapped audience that can be brought in by focusing on DEI
(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) while maintaining most of their
existing audience. To the point that it seems that many of the people
they are hiring to write and run the new shows are focused on DEI over
the story as all they keep talking about to the press is how important
it is to focus on DEI and how great it is to have a show that
represents them and their lives.

I don't recall that Bob Iger had this opinion when he was head of ABC
three decades ago.

This is a pod person, right?

I don't know what has happened but you see the same thing with RTD and
Doctor Who. He was always willing to put some LGBTQ+ people in his
stories back when he was first running Doctor Who and TORCHWOOD, but
it was always in the service of the story. Now when you hear him talk
it's all about DEI first and how they must focus on DEI.

I don't think he changed. There were huge hints early on. When Jack was
introduced on Doctor Who, he was bi. On Torchwood, retconned as gay.
There was one episode, I think late first season Torchwood, in which
Jack rejected dancing with Gwen in favor of Ianto. It wasn't an
either-or choice, just dance with one, then the other.

Mostly, in Torchwood, the viewer put up with that shit because a lot of
the stories were decently written if not intriguing. Not all of it;
there was some attrocious writing in there.

Something reigned in Russel T. Davies worst tendencies decades back;
that something is no longer present.

I haven't seen any Doctor Who since BBC America lost the rights.

I don't know what led to the change. Maybe they always had these
thoughts but kept it quiet because the environment was such that they
knew they would be shut down if the spoke up. Now things have changed
with people being more willing to accept LGBTQ+ discussion so they
feel free to push their 'agenda.' (Iger keeps saying his pushing of
DEI isn't an agenda. It's just what is right for the company.)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Jun 24 * Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again6shawn
12 Jun 24 `* Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again5Adam H. Kerman
12 Jun 24  `* Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again4shawn
12 Jun 24   +- Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again1Adam H. Kerman
12 Jun 24   +- Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again1Danart
13 Jun 24   `- Re: If You Thought Disney Couldn't Get Any Worse, Think Again1shawn

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