That's not funny! Do not make double entendres with the word "cockpit"

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Sujet : That's not funny! Do not make double entendres with the word "cockpit"
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 22. Jun 2024, 22:34:01
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v57cfo$3tt05$>
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
I've decided to dedicate my life to publicizing what's not funny as a
public service so that you understand how to use anti-offensive language
and adjust your sense of humor to be anti-offensive. I've set up a
GoFundMe campaign as it's going to require significant amount of
dedicated space at a small server farm. You really have no idea how much
just isn't funny at this time.

You are a bad person. Just accept this. If the Web site with massive
database doesn't work, then we're going for re-education and
electroshock. Just think of the eyelid clips in A Clockwork Orange.

The union leadership at the Air Line Pilots Association has warned its
members against making double entendres using the work "cockpit", and
has condemned "cockpit" for not being inclusive language.

Hey! You! Stop rolling your eyes. Microaggression! Microaggression! You
aren't taking this seriously!

From Fox News via New York Post

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 Jun22:34 * That's not funny! Do not make double entendres with the word "cockpit"3Adam H. Kerman
22 Jun22:43 +- Re: That's not funny! Do not make double entendres with the word "cockpit"1danny burstein
23 Jun21:21 `- Re: That's not funny! Do not make double entendres with the word "cockpit"1moviePig

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