Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart

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Sujet : Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart
De : jeffl (at) *nospam* (Jeff Liebermann)
Groupes : uk.comp.sys.mac edm.general
Date : 28. May 2024, 21:43:57
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On Sun, 26 May 2024 14:41:38 -0700, john larkin <> wrote:
One major cause of anti-semitism was that both Christians and Muslims
considered usury, lending money at interest, to be sinful. So people
and kings had to borrow from Jews to finance their farms and
businesses and wars. It was then more convenient to have inquisitions
and pogroms and genocides than it was to pay them back.

Mostly correct.  Usury was charging excessive interest rates.  While
in college in the 1960's, I was the local loan shark.  The college
(Cal Poly, Pomona) had large number of foreign exchange students,
mostly from Iran and Saudi Arabia.  They were all the son's (no
daughters) of the rich upper classes in their countries.  All these
students were granted very little pocket money by their parents on the
assumption that if they lacked the funds to play around, they would
spend their time studying.  It didn't work, but that was the plan. So,
the students went to disreputable sources (like me) for borrowing
money.  I had no trouble getting paid because I knew that the very
last thing they wanted was for me to inform their parents of their
son's activities.

My last loan was to a "white man" who begged me for a loan.  I
shouldn't have done it, but made the mistake of charging over 10%
simple interest, which was the limit for usury for personal loans. 
When he couldn't pay me back, he filed a complaint with the local
district attorney's office.  Since I was obviously guilty, I made a
deal to forgive the loan and close down my business in trade for
dropping the usury charges.

The anti-semitic fear of bankers originated with Jesus, who threw the
"money changers" out of the temple in Jerusalem.  That meant that
Jesus, and therefore God, take a dim view of handling money and
banking.  The result was that Christians were prohibited from engaging
in banking.  Since nobody was interested in loaning money without also
collecting interest, a way around this prohibition needed to be
contrived.  Anyone borrowing money was expected to provide a "gift" to
the lender as well as providing something of value as security. 

Repayment was a problem for the Templars.  They were a Christian order
and therefore could not charge interest or handle money.  They had an
easy solutions.  If one wanted to borrow money, they had to have one
of their sons join the order.  The loan was also not considered a loan
into today's sense.  It was a "gift".  That meant it did not need to
repaid until the lender asked for repayment.  Repayment was usually in
the form of another "gift" of greater value.  No money changed hands.

That worked reasonably well until the rise of the guild system, which
were monopolies on lucrative occupations.  In keeping with the
traditional anti-semitic policies, the European Jews were
systematically excluded from all the guilds leaving low wage manual
labor the only work available for Jews.  However, the one profession
where Jews were allowed was banking because none of the Christians
were allowed to engage in banking.  The Christian tolerated this
exception because the Jews could be purged at any time if there were
difficulties repaying the loans.  The Christian borrowers kept things
reasonable because they knew they would eventually need another loan.

Jeff Liebermann       
PO Box 272
Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
Skype: JeffLiebermann      AE6KS    831-336-2558

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25 May 24 +- Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart1Bill Sloman
25 May 24 +* Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart2john larkin
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26 May 24 `* Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart11Pluted Pup
26 May 24  +- Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart1Pluted Pup
26 May 24  `* Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart9john larkin
28 May 24   +- Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart1bitrex
28 May 24   `* Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart7Jeff Liebermann
28 May 24    +- Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart1bitrex
28 May 24    `* Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart5john larkin
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29 May 24     `* Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart2Jeff Liebermann
29 May 24      `- Re: The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart1bitrex

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