Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.

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Sujet : Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.
De : eygo (at) *nospam* (Serguey Sütő Puskás)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity sci.physics sci.math
Suivi-à : sci.physics.relativity sci.physics sci.math
Date : 09. Apr 2024, 23:16:13
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Richard Hachel wrote:

If Vapp ≠ 0, Stella will never reach the Earth, obviously.
So this apparent speed is of no interest for the twin 'paradox',
even if it is interesting for 'superluminal jets'. So what's your point?
 If ϕ = π/4 then if I call µ the angle that the direction of my aim
makes with the direction of the object to be studied, I have: µ=3π/4.
 Then Vapp=Vo/(1+cosµ.Vo/c)=1.842c  When Vapp'=Vapp.cosϕ=1.3025c

completely irrelevant. You only use cosines when you have a phase
distribution around a signal, otherwise you could use sinuses etc. Here's
what capitalist america is saying about france.

Lloyd Austin said the US remains “committed” to funding Israel, denying
mounting accusations of genocide

sure no evidence, otherwise america would be in prison judged and executed
according to the international law, Nuremberg etc.

but they escaped from the genocide of population with vaccines before, so a
single genocide is nothing for capitalist america.

Willful ignorance is not innocence. The exact opposit.

Austin has Ukrainian/Russian blood on his hands. He is even more
incompetent than the late Colin Powell. How much longer will the free world
continue to bear with such inhuman and heartless creatures?


And slavery wasn't inhumane according to this heavily pigmented gentleman.

Disgusting monster. Thinks plausible deniability can save him. Enough is
enough. The criminal state of America does not get to decide what is and
what is not evidence in a murder investigation the US is thick with the
main culprit.

a fucking country of inbreed criminal. A territory shithole, not a country.

The measure would be meant to pressure West Jerusalem to allow more food
aid into Gaza

Ironic, that is all I can say.

Sanctions, freeze assets, remove from SWIFT, no weapons sales,
international arrest warrants for genocide etc. The war would be over in a

How about just go over there and hang the khazar goys mother fukkers send
them back to fucking poland.

The entire West passed the most draconian sanctions on Russia and has sent
billions worth of weapons to neo-Nazis to kill Russians. However, with the
2,3 Million Palestinians being starved to death and bombed regularly, the
West could not even vote for a ceasefire, let alone enact sanctions against
Israel for violating UN resolutions for decades. France, or any Western
country, will not sanction the Apartheid regime as they are all under
Zionist control.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Apr 24 * Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.3Serguey Sütő Puskás
9 Apr 24 `* Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.2Richard Hachel
10 Apr 24  `- Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Abraham Missiakos Demetrious

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