Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)

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Sujet : Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)
De : physfitfreak (at) *nospam* (Physfitfreak)
Groupes : sci.physics
Date : 23. Jul 2024, 09:54:42
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- some time back (but within this month) I had mentioned that Pezeshkian had built tens of "house of health" units ("Khaneye Behdasht" or KB). These KBs are the ones he built himself with his friends and family! The total number of KBs he built by appealing to public without even asking government for anything is around 600... So in hundreds, not tens. This is a feature in him that hopefully makes him able to use again this time in many different ways, although things aren't going well with him at all. Nothing seems to go well about him.
I just happened to read that passage and noticed that I had not mentioned the actual number of KBs he built. I had mentioned it but it is not there. One of those weird keyboard and editor nasty tricks that still affects my writing, thanks to absolutely useless bunch of self-thinking "experts" in usenet.
I've been using this matter to probe the depths of "motherfuckerness" in those trash usenet frequenters, in this and other forums. Good results too.
- International physics Olympiad began yesterday in Esfahan and will conclude in 29th :)
It is the second time Iran hosts it. Last time was 2007. The Iranian medalists of past Olympiads are now among best professors and industry managers and scientists in Iran. From top secret jobs to the most ordinary problems in factories and businesses, these scientists shine!
This week, another bunch of them will get recognized and in a few short years begin their work solving the most difficult problems that can come up in just about every field of activity in Iran.
There are only so many of them that can participate in these olympiads. The rest of them, thousands of talented and gifted each year, will go on and reach same goals together with these recognized jewels, but with less fanfare :)
The present competition is held inside Esfahan University of Technology.
Most likely, the top team as well as individual, will be Chinese students if things will be the same as the last two decades or so. But there can always be surprises, and those are the ones that make sensation every year. Beating the Chinese to it is some feat of achievement.
- What made my day today was the start of using Persian Gulf water to supply extra dry areas of Hormozgan, Kerman, Rafsanjan, and Yazd with it. This project was one of Raisi's pet plans which he was fond of and wanted it to work, and now, before the next administration takes over, is finished and people of those four areas water needs are met for the first time since they can remember.
News shows reporters talking to people in their houses and asking their views and their responses, all, indicates that flow of water into their plumbing system does not experience stops anymore like it was the way of life before.
The water is treated and desalinated by plants at the Persian Gulf start of the way before moving in pipes to the areas in need, then are stored in huge underground artificial lakes for each area (if exposed, they evaporate in no time in that heat!) before getting distributed to houses and businesses and plants for both consumption and other uses.
This is a rough map of the pipes and the areas that are presently receiving its benefits, colored differently for different starting dates:
Before Raisi's admin, in the last two years of Rohani's disastrous terms, people of the area, especially city of Rafsanjan, would get water stoppages that could continue for one month straight on in Summers, and that admin was busy talking cute stuff about JCPOA and what enemies of Iran happened to fart for the moment instead of doing something about these fundamental problems.
Raisi changed all that obsolete ideas of "government" that really belonged to Ghajar Dynasty 150 years back, and enforced numerous projects to begin right away, immediately after he took over. There was so much work that he never took a weekend rest. He worked straight through, every day of his term.
Before this plan kicked in, most water to the areas mentioned were supplied by wells, and in decades back, such wells sufficed to meet the demands. But it got hotter and underground water levels got lowered and at the same time demand for water increased by increasing population that had now newly arrived after private companies relocated to those areas for cheap real estate and established their plants, etc, and eventually the shortage of water reached to a point that something needed to be done about it right away, yet nobody in Rohani's two terms touched that. Nobody kicked anybody's ass why they weren't doing their jobs. Pure Ghajar era mentality and setting.
- I think the people involved in government, today, know much more about what a bad government is and do not want to repeat big mistakes. Both regular people and especially the clerics. Clerics now are scared of committing blunders. They've seen the results and understood that they'll lose everything if they keep being careless.
Inflation is a good example of such errors in judgement. They thought it was somebody else's problem. I remember they even were saying that on news! In the media, I once saw a cleric saying inflation is people's own problem and they can solve it themselves if they want it solved... Now if one of them says that he gets shot dead the next day at his door. Now, knowing they almost lost the country and its people, and their own lives, they're struggling to prevent gross incompetence in running the country. A couple of decades too late, but at least now they know they're goners if they repeat such mistakes. Militia itself will go after them!
Having oil and gas to sell is bad for any country because it hides incompetence. Then things would have to reach the level of "disaster" before they even notice their own incompetence. Doesn't have to be just oil and gas; anything godgiven would do, endless tax money is another good example of it.
- A few of other projects of Raisi are also kicking in these days. One is the law that every mechanical part distributed for sale, must first meet a few conditions, including the proof that the manufacturer named on its box is the actual manufacturer and they're not fake products, as well as meeting standards of functionality imposed on them by a few well-known standards firms inside Iran.
One of the consequences of meeting the standards is that at least one old carmaker in Iran is getting ready to go out of business. Their product (a variant of French Peageot that was only built in Iran) does not meet the 85 item standards set by the standards firms. Last time they got permission to continue was end of this year's Spring. In an interview with the CEO, he said it is impossible to raise the standards because the entire infrastructure that builds the car is too old.
The scale of catching financial crooks have gone up too. Before, it was like once every six months that a high level thief would be arrested and prosecuted. Now it is certainly more than one a day. Some countries in Europe that are still benefiting from "something" in Iran (read that oil and gas obtained indirectly!) cooperate with Iran's police in catching those thieves and handing them to Iran. Ghatar, a haven for high level Iranian thieves for decades, is now catching them and hands them over to Iran. Emaratis are not cooperating as they should because Nazis still have some kind of hold on them, and these thieves are always favored by Nazis cause they spend most of their money in Naziland. But to some extent even Emaratis have begun helping the Iranian police. That's how the leader of Iran's (and Pakestan's) Baluch separatists were captured. I think he got executed.
Nobody knows how Pezeshkian will handle all these, and he doesn't look good for the challenge.
I still can't believe people opted for Pezeshkian... Jalili was much safer choice. But there's a certain level of hate between Iranians and the government which prevented 60% of eligible people from voting. Rohani really fucked everything up with people's trust and the effect of it had truly settled in them by the voting time. 60% of Iranians are hopeless and do not believe the system can manage their jobs well. So it doesn't matter to them who is elected. So they don't vote.
And Pezeshkian has inherited all that, especially from the hands of someone like Raisi who proved to be very unlikely that anybody could do better than him.
If you look at recent pictures of Pezeshkian, you see a man who is startled by the scale of difficulties. The scale of shit. A man who, most probably, put his heavy drinking aside only after winning the elections. The guy looks like he just lost all his family and children in a car accident an hour ago. He doesn't seem to know what to do, and out of lack of any action from him, any word, again that virulent vermin Zarif opens his mouth to talk instead of the elected president! And people who're listening curse him out. Tell him to get lost.
It got so bad that VF got angry at people and told them not to do that, but people answered VF back, "With someone like Zarif in there talking for us it is impossible to cooperate with Pezeshkian's team."
There is a time, that a man, understands that he is not wanted, and he walks away and will not come back. Zarif is not that man. He is like a vermin. Never leaves, and always is wiggling somewhere in the scene of events despite knowing full well how he is hated by everybody in Iran. How do you describe a man like that? What is the word for it in the English language?
When Bashar Assad silently visited Iran to celebrate his survival and triumph over all Satanic forces in the universe, a matter certainly involving foreign minister's office as well, Rohani didn't invite Zarif to it. Didn't even inform his foreign minister of it! He was afraid through Zarif's incessantly busy mouth the news of it would reach Nazis and they could try to assassinate Assad in Iran...
On becoming aware of that via other sources, Zarif resigned from his position. But, jumped right back!
No amount of disdain will make this man go away. His own audience was shouting at him to get lost, a few days back. It is on film. They were shouting in unison, "Zarif! Fuck off and die!" (zarif gureto gomkon), yet he's still in the news here and there getting himself into anything that's not his business.
The other day in the news media one of the respected men in Iran called out to Pezeshkian asking him whether he had "rented" the office of presidency to Zarif...
So the army of Pussy-Exposers and the Public-Ass-Giver-Homosexual-Men's Corps whose Mecca is "Israel", thought elections in Iran was a joke. That they just win the election and everything begins working in their favor. Now they're seeing the results. In any meeting, you see Pezeshkian sitting exactly as if he is trying to hide inside the chair to be away from views of others present. He doesn't know what to do and he doesn't want to be seen. He has no plans. Never even mentioned one before and present. He wants to hide and forget about it, and "rent" the office to someone else and Zarif knows that and places himself right there for that. Of all men in Iran, this "Zarif."
- Iran's militia detained an Israeli tanker ship full of smuggled oil and fuels in Persian Gulf :) Israelis had done everything to hide its identity. For instance, on the paper it belonged to Emarate, but the owner was an Israeli.
Talking about replacing the burnt oil in Hodaydeh with Israeli paid oil :-) Hehe :) Equipment and all. Everything Israeli paid. Cause this thing is only the beginning. The action was by court order by the way.
It'll take care of Houthis for emergencies for now. More will be acquired accordingly.
- I just saw the youtube video of Netanyahu's arrival in Washington. Many of the 20 or so people lining up there to shake hands with him refused to do so and did not look at him when he passed them. Reuters had tried to clip away a few of those moments, but the direction of looks of people just passed, and the position of their hands indicated what I just said.
He is a lonely Nazi stooge among his own Nazis. Nazis know what they've lost forever in the hands of this stooge Nazi.
Harris has also said she won't preside over his address to Congress.
I think the Congress will be at the least half empty, and cameras will only show spots that Nazis are sitting, not the empty seats. They may even steal shots from past sessions of Congress to fool viewers.
By the way, I also reported that video to Google as a violation of their own rules ("Promoting terrorism"). Let them suckers hear what you think.
-  Japan has placed some sanctions on Israel. Nazis' hold on them only goes so far. One day Nazis will grab their asses and leave their base in Japan in a hurry! Japs have scores to settle with them. That event has a unique place in the coming future. It will come.
As lately as in 1970s, Japanese people could not stand Americans. This is described well in one of William Manchester's books. Even the sight of an American changed their blood's chemistry. Absolutely hated them. They didn't bring some sort of misfortune upon Americans only because they used them as Sheep for their products. Change that picture ONE BIT. Just touch it, and see what happens!
Ok, how about some sleep now :) Hmm... good idea.

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8 Apr 24 * Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)58Physfitfreak
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25 Apr 24     `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)52Physfitfreak
25 Apr 24      `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)51Physfitfreak
25 Apr 24       `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)50Physfitfreak
25 Apr 24        `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)49Physfitfreak
25 Apr 24         `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)48Physfitfreak
27 Apr 24          `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)47Physfitfreak
28 Apr 24           `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)46Physfitfreak
28 Apr 24            `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)45Physfitfreak
1 May 24             `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)44Physfitfreak
1 May 24              `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)43Physfitfreak
1 May 24               `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)42Physfitfreak
1 May 24                +* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)4Physfitfreak
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6 May 24                `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)37Physfitfreak
19 May 24                 `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)36Physfitfreak
26 May 24                  `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)35Physfitfreak
27 May 24                   +* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)33Physfitfreak
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1 Jun 24                   i `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)31Physfitfreak
10 Jun 24                   i  `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)30Physfitfreak
10 Jun 24                   i   +- Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)1bertietaylor
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13 Jul 24                   i         `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)21Physfitfreak
13 Jul 24                   i          +- Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)1bertietaylor
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23 Jul 24                   i            +- Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)1bertietaylor
24 Jul 24                   i            `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)16Physfitfreak
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27 Jul 24                   i              `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)14Physfitfreak
28 Jul 24                   i               `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)13Physfitfreak
28 Jul 24                   i                +- Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)1bertietaylor
7 Aug 24                   i                `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)11Physfitfreak
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21 Aug 24                   i                    `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)7Physfitfreak
23 Aug 24                   i                     `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)6Physfitfreak
7 Sep 24                   i                      `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)5Physfitfreak
7 Sep 24                   i                       `* Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)4Physfitfreak
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