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David Schultz <> wrote:In the original 68000, a barrel shifter would have blown the areaOn 10/1/24 3:00 PM, Thomas Koenig wrote:>MitchAlsup1 <> schrieb:>
>A 32-bit bus would have priced the 68K at 30%-50% higher simply>
due to the number of pins on available packages. This would have
eliminated any chance at competing for the broad markets at that
Would have an external 16-bit bus and an internal 32-bit bus have
been advantageous, or would this have blown a likely transistor
budget for little gain?
Saving an extra pass through the 16 bit ALU for a 32 bit operation would
be faster. Assuming that you didn't have to wait for another bus cycle
to get the other half of an operand.
Making it faster for register to register operations and not much else.
A 16 bit barrel roller does not make sense, and Motorola had no idea
that shifts would be so important.
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