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For near-light-speed code I used to write it first in C, optimize
that, then I would translate it into (inline) asm and re-optimize
based on having the full cpu architecture available, before in the
final stage I would use the asm experience to tweak the C just
enough to let the compiler generate machine code quite close
(90+%) to my best asm, while still being portable to any cpu with
more or less the same capabilities.
One example: When I won an international competition to write the
fastest Pentomino solver (capable of finding all 2339/1010/368/2
solutions of the 6x10/5x12/4x15/3x20 layouts), I also included the
portable C version.
My asm submission was twice as fast as anyone else, while the C
version was still fast enough that a couple of years later I got a
prize in the mail: Someone in France had submitted my C code,
with my name & address, to a similar competition there and it was
still faster than anyone else. :-)
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