Re: We have a new standard!

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Sujet : Re: We have a new standard!
De : Muttley (at) *nospam*
Groupes : comp.lang.c++
Date : 29. Dec 2024, 10:32:30
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vkr4ve$sksr$>
References : 1 2 3 4
On Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:20:57 +0100
David Brown <> gabbled:
On 28/12/2024 11:19, wrote:
Being serious, I haven't even checked whats new in it but going by C++ 2020
it'll be yet more syntactic soup to support features absolutely no one outside
of ivory tower academic discussions asked for. It'll just add yet morecomplexity to compilers, hence more potential bugs and make the C++ learning
curve even steeper meaning yet more new programmers abandon it - or don't
even start - for languages such as Python.
Ah, yes - the classic well-reasoned argument.  Why would one ever want to /look/ at the new standard before condemning it?
Ah yes, the same logic that has produced cars with ever more, harder to use
complexity that no one wants.

It's inevitable that most people won't have need of most of the new
For most read 99.9%.
features - C++ is a big language, and has a big standard library, and few people use more than a fraction of it.  But all the new features will be of some use to some people.  (It's a lot like Python in that aspect.)
For some read 0.01%. Is it worth it? No.
Also you seem to have little understanding of human nature. Make the learning
curve close to vertical for a language and no one will bother with it. I've worked with 20 something devs in the last few years. Not ONE of them bothered to learn C++, its all Python, Java (usually learnt at uni - even uni's don't
bother with C++ now) or Web dev. Ask yourself why. At this rate when people such as myself retire in the 2030s C++ will become legacy like Cobol and no
amount of bolting on ever more niche features will save it.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 Dec 24 * We have a new standard!45Stefan Ram
28 Dec 24 +* Re: We have a new standard!35Sam
28 Dec 24 i+- Re: We have a new standard!1Chris M. Thomasson
28 Dec 24 i`* Re: We have a new standard!33Muttley
28 Dec 24 i +* Re: We have a new standard!21David Brown
29 Dec10:32 i i`* Re: We have a new standard!20Muttley
29 Dec14:51 i i `* Re: We have a new standard!19David Brown
29 Dec17:16 i i  +* Re: We have a new standard!6Muttley
30 Dec08:34 i i  i`* Re: We have a new standard!5David Brown
30 Dec10:34 i i  i `* Re: We have a new standard!4Muttley
30 Dec15:37 i i  i  `* Re: We have a new standard!3David Brown
30 Dec16:08 i i  i   `* Re: We have a new standard!2Muttley
31 Dec00:06 i i  i    `- Re: We have a new standard!1James Kuyper
29 Dec23:12 i i  +* Re: We have a new standard!10Paavo Helde
29 Dec23:44 i i  i+* Re: We have a new standard!5Michael S
30 Dec12:17 i i  ii`* Re: We have a new standard!4Tim Rentsch
30 Dec13:00 i i  ii `* Re: We have a new standard!3boltar
30 Dec15:52 i i  ii  +- Re: We have a new standard!1David Brown
31 Dec03:06 i i  ii  `- Re: We have a new standard!1Tim Rentsch
30 Dec12:14 i i  i`* Re: We have a new standard!4Tim Rentsch
30 Dec16:05 i i  i +- Re: We have a new standard!1David Brown
31 Dec01:02 i i  i `* Re: We have a new standard!2Chris M. Thomasson
31 Dec02:58 i i  i  `- Re: We have a new standard!1Tim Rentsch
30 Dec12:25 i i  `* Re: We have a new standard!2Michael S
30 Dec17:15 i i   `- Re: We have a new standard!1David Brown
28 Dec 24 i `* Re: We have a new standard!11Phillip
29 Dec10:43 i  `* Re: We have a new standard!10Muttley
29 Dec14:50 i   `* Re: We have a new standard!9Sam
29 Dec15:33 i    +* Re: We have a new standard!4wij
29 Dec17:17 i    i`* Re: We have a new standard!3Muttley
29 Dec18:08 i    i `* Re: We have a new standard!2wij
29 Dec18:11 i    i  `- Re: We have a new standard!1Muttley
29 Dec17:15 i    `* Re: We have a new standard!4Muttley
29 Dec17:57 i     `* Re: We have a new standard!3Sam
29 Dec18:08 i      +- Re: We have a new standard!1Muttley
29 Dec18:50 i      `- Re: We have a new standard!1Michael S
28 Dec 24 `* Re: We have a new standard!9Benutzer Eins
28 Dec 24  `* Re: We have a new standard!8Chris Ahlstrom
28 Dec 24   +* Re: We have a new standard!6Lynn McGuire
28 Dec 24   i`* Re: We have a new standard!5Lynn McGuire
29 Dec 24   i `* Re: We have a new standard!4Chris M. Thomasson
29 Dec 24   i  `* Re: We have a new standard!3Lynn McGuire
29 Dec 24   i   +- Re: We have a new standard!1Chris M. Thomasson
29 Dec 24   i   `- Re: We have a new standard!1Chris M. Thomasson
29 Dec15:01   `- Re: We have a new standard!1David Brown

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