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On Mon, 16 Dec 2024 11:18:46 +0100Yes.
David Brown <> wrote:
On 16/12/2024 10:28, Michael S wrote:My news reader is not sure about equation above.On Sun, 15 Dec 2024 20:20:42 +0000>
Student Project <student@invalid.invalid> wrote:
The constexpr is really very smart because it can speed up>
algorithms 1000 times according to Dave, Microsoft retired
engineer. He has proved it by creating this video:
On my computer it took 270 microseconds to calculate fib(35) like
in his example. It was almost instant at the blink of the eyes.
Fibonacci_c: 9227465
Time Taken: 270
Fibonacci_c: 9227465
Time Taken: 257
Fibonacci_c: 9227465
Time Taken: 171
Fibonacci_c: 9227465
Time Taken: 176
I didn't see the video (I never see that type of videos), but 270
microseconds sound astonishingly slow for fib(35).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <intrin.h>
static long long fib(long n)
if (fib <= 0)
return 0;
long long f0 = 0, f1 = 1;
for (long i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
long long f2 = f0 + f1;
f0 = f1;
f1 = f2;
return f1;
There are a dozen different ways to calculate Fibonacci numbers,
ranging from very fast to very slow - but demonstrating different
things. Even your program is going to be very slow compared to just
using φⁿ / √5.
You probably meant ceil(pow((1+sqrt(5))/2, n)/sqrt(5))
It works well with double precision math up to n=75. After that itSure, there comes a limit to what works here. Doubles don't have the precision range of 64-bit integers. (You may also see inaccuracies build up with floating point even before the range of the mantissa bits.) Similarly, there is a limit to how high you can get with 64-bit integers. But certainly multi-precision integer arithmetic will be a lot faster than multi-precision floating point.
would need high precision fp library, so probably [much] slower than
simple loop above at least up to n=92 where we run out of range of int64
That's what I was guessing, yes. Calculating Fibonacci numbers is often used as an example for showing how to write recursive functions with a structure like the one above, then looking at different techniques for improving them - such as using a recursive function that takes (n, a, b) and returns (n - 1, b, a + b), or perhaps memoization. (You could probably teach a term's worth of a Haskell course based entirely on formulations for calculating Fibonacci functions!)My guess is that the OP is referring to some kind of naïve recursiveSomething like that ?
Fibonacci implementation.
static long long slow_fib(long n)
if (n < 1)
return 0;
if (n == 1)
return 1;
return slow_fib(n-2)+slow_fib(n-1);
Yes, 270 usec could be considered fast relatively to that. slow_fib(35)
takes 20 msec on my old PC.
My experience is that gcc will pre-calculate for a certain depth of recursion here, then give up and generate run-time code. But you would not have to pre-calculate or expand very far before it made a fair difference to the run-time of slow_fib(35).If the function is declared "constexpr"But then, how long would it take to compile?
and the values used are compile-time constants, then maybe the use of
"constexpr" leads to more of it being pre-calculated at compile time.
I'd guess for n=35 it's not too bad, but what about n=92?
Slow algorithm is a slow algorithm. Doing it in compile time can only
exaggerate the slowness.
:-)The OP is right that "constexpr" can be very "smart" - but I'm notIf it is video and it is about programming then it can not be good.
sure this is the best calculation for demonstrating that. However, I
have not watched the video either, and maybe it's well presented.
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