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On 28/12/2024 11:19, wrote:Ah yes, the same logic that has produced cars with ever more, harder to useBeing serious, I haven't even checked whats new in it but going by C++ 2020>
it'll be yet more syntactic soup to support features absolutely no one outside
of ivory tower academic discussions asked for. It'll just add yet morecomplexity to compilers, hence more potential bugs and make the C++ learning
curve even steeper meaning yet more new programmers abandon it - or don't
even start - for languages such as Python.
Ah, yes - the classic well-reasoned argument. Why would one ever want to /look/ at the new standard before condemning it?
It's inevitable that most people won't have need of most of the newFor most read 99.9%.
features - C++ is a big language, and has a big standard library, and few people use more than a fraction of it. But all the new features will be of some use to some people. (It's a lot like Python in that aspect.)For some read 0.01%. Is it worth it? No.
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