Re: matrix.tsk

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Sujet : Re: matrix.tsk
De : fir (at) *nospam* (fir)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 08. Apr 2024, 13:55:10
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Organisation : i2pn2 (
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Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
On Sun, 07 Apr 2024 11:49:08 +0200, fir wrote:
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
Other languages have async/await and event-loop APIs.
buiilt in language?
Quiet a few, e.g. Python. It provides a standard event-loop API
<> which is pluggable with
alternative event loops. For example, every GUI already has its own event
loop: simply give that an asyncio-compatible wrapper, and you have the
concept of “event-loop-agnostic” code, which can run on any asyncio-
compatible event loop.
this call queue is somewhat different thing and its better imo - its
more like lov level and its better integrated.
You can build all that on top of an event loop. The nice thing about a
generalized event loop is that the result can coexist with other async
i know python only slightly but you can write if you say how it looks in ppython - liek pice of code or something, if you want
i also know a event queue how it looks in winapi - and that would be all what i know about event queues - but this is osmething different thing then what i say here
(in fact i say about two things one is this "temporary call queue"
who waorks a bit like stack (in two versions, one thread, and parrallel) and thsi "permanent queue" which may be used liek host
for agents/agent systems
in winapi in fact  the queue works differently aa you only "add" one pointer: WndProc  and yet your app has this loop GetMessage/DispatchMessage as far as i remember this is like something more complex fact i dont know if this paradigm would not be cleaner if there would be no this busy loop but just a registration
of events but i would need to think on this
i like agent paradigm a lot...also the idea of such queues show to ba good (as there is hope as i said to allow doint multithreading in real clean/neat way) but i dont know how it realy fits together on low lewel
programming is in a big aextent amtter of composition, when you got good
composition you hav it all clean and nice not a mess where you can dwell/stick into like is some way probably some codes today are still into that swamp at least partially

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 Apr 24 * matrix.exe7fir
6 Apr 24 +- Re: matrix.exe1fir
7 Apr 24 `* Re: matrix.tsk5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
7 Apr 24  `* Re: matrix.tsk4fir
7 Apr 24   `* Re: matrix.tsk3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
8 Apr 24    `* Re: matrix.tsk2fir
9 Apr 24     `- Re: matrix.tsk1Lawrence D'Oliveiro

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