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Am 03.05.2024 um 09:38 schrieb David Brown:A C-style function /pointer/ is an object. A C-style /function/ is not. Do you understand the difference?
No it is not. C-style functions (or C++ functions for that matter) are not objects, and do not have calling operators. Built-in operators do not belong to a type, in the way that class operators do.You can assign a C-style function pointer to an auto function-object.
That these function objects all have the same type doesn't metter.
You missed the point entirely. Lambdas can be used in many ways like functions, and it is possible for one function (or lambda) to return a different function, and can be used for higher-order functions (functions that have functions as parameters or return types). They do not mean that C++ can treat functions as first-class objects, but they /do/ mean that you can get many of the effects you might want if C++ functions really were first-class objects.C-style functions and lambda-types are generically interchangeable.
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