Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?

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Sujet : Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?
De : mikko.levanto (at) *nospam* (Mikko)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 18. May 2024, 14:21:52
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On 2024-05-16 18:01:15 +0000, Josef Möllers said:

On 16.05.24 18:27, Mikko wrote:
On 2024-05-08 13:04:56 +0000, Josef Möllers said:
Hi all,
 I am trying to parse a json string received through MQTT from a "Shelly Plug S", e.g.
{"id":0, "source":"button", "output":true, "apower":0.0, "voltage":237.9, "current":0.000, "aenergy":{"total":0.000,"by_minute":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"minute_ts":1715172119},"temperature":{"tC":41.1, "tF":106.0}}
 I am trying to use libjson-glib but I can't figure out what to use as the first argument to json_gobject_from_data()!
I am also looking at libjson-c but cannot find any examples that could guide me.
 Thanks in advance,
 Sometimes it is easier to make a parser than to use an existing one.
In this case I might try LEX.
 Sorry to be nitpicking, but lex is a "lexical analyzer" aka a "scanner", it can only recognize tokens, eg the brackets, quotes, identifiers etc, but not structures.
"yacc" (or its "bison" equivalent" would be a parser but definitely too heavy.
 What one could do would be to use LEX to recognize the tokens and the write a recursive descent parser in plain C.
As YACC is too heavy I would use only LEX and do with C what LEX alone
cannot do. I havn't often done so but when I did I got what I wanted.
For JSON parsing a stack of partly parsed objets and arrays is sufficient
in addition to what LEX gives, so the C code can be kept simple. LEX
can put C fragment to the right place in the final code.
If a generic parser is not needed but only a parser with specific structures
known in advance the result of parsing can be delivered in a form that is
easier to use than a result from a generic JSON parser. In addition, the
LEXä+C code can simpler in some sense although more complicated in another

But, as I wrote in another posting, I have switched to libjson-c5 and the code works fine.
That the code works fine is the most important aspect.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 May 24 * Which newsgroup for json parsing?29Josef Möllers
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8 May 24 +* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?2Malcolm McLean
8 May 24 i`- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Anton Shepelev
9 May 24 +- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1jak
13 May 24 +- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Josef Möllers
16 May 24 `* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?22Mikko
16 May 24  +* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?19Josef Möllers
16 May 24  i+* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?6bart
17 May 24  ii`* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?5Malcolm McLean
17 May 24  ii +* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?2bart
25 May 24  ii i`- Re: XML (was Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
17 May 24  ii `* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?2jak
17 May 24  ii  `- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Malcolm McLean
18 May 24  i`* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?12Mikko
27 May 24  i `* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?11Josef Möllers
27 May 24  i  `* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?10Vir Campestris
28 May 24  i   `* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?9Josef Möllers
28 May 24  i    +* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?7Michael S
28 May 24  i    i+- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Josef Möllers
29 May 24  i    i+* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?3Malcolm McLean
29 May 24  i    ii`* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?2David Brown
29 May 24  i    ii `- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Malcolm McLean
31 May 24  i    i+- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Tim Rentsch
5 Aug 24  i    i`- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
30 May 24  i    `- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Vir Campestris
23 May 24  `* Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24   `- Re: Which newsgroup for json parsing?1Malcolm McLean

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