Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?

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Sujet : Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as integer*8 ?
De : lynnmcguire5 (at) *nospam* (Lynn McGuire)
Groupes : comp.lang.fortran
Date : 23. Oct 2024, 22:47:13
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/23/2024 3:53 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
On Wed, 23 Oct 2024 13:56:47 -0500, Lynn McGuire wrote:
BTW, my software dates before version control systems.
 Quite a bit of mine did, too, back in the day. Didn’t stop me from putting
them into version control. I even wrote some utility scripts to help with
the process <>.
And I like change notes in my code, it helps to figure out what
is going on.
 You soon discover that version control history logs do all that, and more.
Remember, they show you, not just the comments you entered, but the actual
file diffs that go with them. Your current header comments cannot provide
that information.
 Git also offers something you’re currently probably not doing because it’s
too difficult to do: branching and merging.
And some day we are going to change version control systems again.
 That will likely not be the difficult part. All the open-source VCSes
offer bulk import/export functions, to allow moving entire repos and
commit histories between them. Git offered plugins to allow easier
interoperation with other VCSes like Mercurial and SVN; any future
replacement for Git will have to do at least as well.
And I am not going to upgrade 850,000 lines of Fortran F77 code to F90
code just to have prettier code.  I would still be here in 10 years
fixing all of the bugs from that disaster.
 Think about making it easier to maintain going forward.
I am going to change all the F77 code to C++ some day.  I already have a heavily modified version of F2C that I have rewritten extensively and already moved several hundred subroutines from F77 to C++.  The biggest problem is the F77 write statements.  F2C fixes the other big problem automatically, the change of initial array index from one to zero.

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