Re: C90 fpeek

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Sujet : Re: C90 fpeek
De : mutazilah (at) *nospam* (Paul Edwards)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 24. Jan 2025, 06:41:39
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vmv96o$23d5m$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
"Keith Thompson" <> wrote in message
"Paul Edwards" <> writes:
With the benefit of hindsight, is there any reason why fpeek
couldn't have been added to C90, with implementations
being allowed with just a macro that returns some sort of
If fpeek (or similar) makes sense, can someone suggest an
appropriate interface?
It would help to know what "fpeek" is supposed to do.  There no such
function in any edition of the C standard or in any implementation
that I'm aware of.

fpeek would tell you whether there are any characters available
to be read, on a bidirectional data stream, opened with r+b or

For an ordinary disk file, it wouldn't necessarily do anything,
and just return with "unknown" or whatever, for the application
to decide what to do.

But for a serial port/modem connected to a BBS, the infrastructure
would likely already know if there are characters sitting at the COM
port (or some corresponding buffer), so it would be in a position to
confirm/deny the presence of pending characters to be read.

It also occurred to me that games could use this, fpeek of stdin to
see if a key has been pressed.

Apologies for not making this clearer in the original post.

BFN. Paul.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 Jan 25 * C90 fpeek18Paul Edwards
24 Jan 25 +* Re: C90 fpeek16Keith Thompson
24 Jan 25 i+* Re: C90 fpeek3Paul Edwards
24 Jan 25 ii`* Re: C90 fpeek2Kaz Kylheku
24 Jan 25 ii `- Re: C90 fpeek1Paul Edwards
24 Jan 25 i+* Re: C90 fpeek3James Kuyper
24 Jan 25 ii`* Re: C90 fpeek2Michael S
26 Jan 25 ii `- Re: C90 fpeek1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
24 Jan 25 i`* Re: C90 fpeek9Kaz Kylheku
24 Jan 25 i +* Re: C90 fpeek4Chris M. Thomasson
25 Jan 25 i i+* Re: C90 fpeek2Kaz Kylheku
25 Jan 25 i ii`- Re: C90 fpeek1Chris M. Thomasson
26 Jan 25 i i`- Re: C90 fpeek1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
25 Jan 25 i +* Re: C90 fpeek3Paul Edwards
26 Jan 25 i i`* Re: C90 fpeek2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 Jan 25 i i `- Re: C90 fpeek1Paul Edwards
25 Jan 25 i `- Re: C90 fpeek1Kaz Kylheku
24 Jan 25 `- Re: C90 fpeek1Kaz Kylheku

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