Re: macro for fir list?

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Sujet : Re: macro for fir list?
De : fir (at) *nospam* (fir)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 30. Mar 2024, 10:19:22
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fir wrote:
Opus wrote:
On 28/03/2024 14:40, fir wrote:
you know famous fir list
fir list its a list container i somewhat "invented",
i write "invented" as its reasonably simple thing but i never heard
anyone uses it so as for me i invented it for personal use and use it
It's a pretty common thing though. It's just that it's not standard, so
everyone does it pretty much in their own way.
In my way, I avoid to realloc the 'dynamic array' everytime a new item
is appended, as it can be a costly operation. I pre-allocate for a
certain number of items, and keep track of the current number of items
and the current size of the 'dynamic array'. If there is enough room
left, I just add the item, no realloc needed. If there isn't, then I
realloc, with not just room for 1 item, but a whole new block, for the
same reason. You get the idea.
This is a common way of dealing with such dynamic containers. (See: bump
allocators, and all that...)
some could usually wrote a more convenient Add "method" not to pass
structures but just arguments and struct assigment do inside
 From what I get - it's not fully clear - you'd like to directly pass a
structure 'literal' to your function, rather than having to go via an
intermediate local variable.
This is exactly what C99 has brought, among other things, for over 20
years. Do not hesitate to use it: compound literals.
For instance with your code, you can do this instead:
Fir_List_AddOne(&(struct Fir_List_Entry){ 11, 22 });
Yes, the 'cast' in front of the braces is mandatory for compound
Note that your posted code is incorrect, you need to either refer to
'Fir_List_Entry' with 'struct Fir_List_Entry', or typedef it prior.
I think omitting the 'struct' is allowed in C++, not so in C.
Conversely, I'm not sure compound literals (which I find very handy) are
available in C++. But if you were using C++, you wouldn't need to do the
above anyway, so. Just mentioning it.
i think teh idea is rather not obvius, i agree people use dynamic
alocation, more rarely they use reallock atc but the pure idea
of list like here is imo not much in use imo... - if that would be in
use it would be generally used as this is some kind of composition
pattern and that would substitule ways people usually du such things
in c to the line you say i may test it
i coode in c++ mode and in c mode tu though in c++ more often
checked seem not to work: error: taking adress of temporary
as this list idea people may obviously take it uuse it and then say, oh,
i was using it - but in facy as i know how c people code (right from
this group etc) they dont use it, unless thay maybe begin using it in
last few years
when i started using it (see my more historic post about 'chunks' and
'splitter') i used the appproach with variable holding the preallocated
value... then i dropped it becouse reallock already stores such number
under the hood so this is kinde reapeating the same thing - but then
later it showed that stiill doubling it may speed things becouse
(as far as i remember becouse i dont remember exact values ) this
call to reallock even if this do almosc nothing still may cost if this
is in more time critical case
note i presented somewhat complicated versions of it (for structures, longer names and indeksed a key (which is in fact dictionary)
quite useble would be tiny crafted versions of it - most simple
// "ints.h" - int list cntainer
   int* ints = NULL; int ints_size = 0;
   void ints_add(int val)  {
      ints = (int*)realloc(ints, ++ints_size*sizeof(int));
      ints[ints_size-1] = val;
      return ;  }
  void Test()
     for(int i=0; i<ints_size;i++) printf("\n%d", ints[i]);
     ints_size=0; //reset
     for(int i=0; i<ints_size;i++) printf("\n%d", ints[i]);
im not quite belive people use it as its such good idea if people would use it it should be regularelly known and used and i never seen nor hear of this (at least not before i get to use it few years ago)
people rather use c__ vectror sh*t instead of that and that is better
programming is a lot about composition and this changes composition
a lot

Date Sujet#  Auteur
28 Mar 24 * macro for fir list?20fir
28 Mar 24 +* Re: macro for fir list?4fir
28 Mar 24 i`* Re: macro for fir list?3fir
28 Mar 24 i `* Re: macro for fir list?2fir
29 Mar 24 i  `- Re: macro for fir list?1fir
30 Mar 24 `* Re: macro for fir list?15Opus
30 Mar 24  `* Re: macro for fir list?14fir
30 Mar 24   +- Re: macro for fir list?1fir
30 Mar 24   `* Re: macro for fir list?12fir
30 Mar 24    `* Re: macro for fir list?11fir
30 Mar 24     +* Re: macro for fir list?9fir
30 Mar 24     i`* Re: macro for fir list?8bart
30 Mar 24     i +* Re: macro for fir list?6fir
30 Mar 24     i i`* Re: macro for fir list?5fir
30 Mar 24     i i `* Re: macro for fir list?4fir
30 Mar 24     i i  +- Re: macro for fir list?1fir
30 Mar 24     i i  +- Re: macro for fir list?1fir
30 Mar 24     i i  `- Re: macro for fir list?1fir
30 Mar 24     i `- Re: macro for fir list?1fir
30 Mar 24     `- Re: macro for fir list?1fir

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