Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?

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Sujet : Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?
De : polcott333 (at) *nospam* (olcott)
Groupes : comp.lang.c comp.lang.c++
Date : 20. May 2024, 21:10:42
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v2gao3$59f0$>
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On 5/20/2024 3:04 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/20/2024 12:53 PM, olcott wrote:
On 5/20/2024 2:47 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/20/2024 12:45 PM, olcott wrote:
On 5/20/2024 2:41 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/20/2024 12:37 PM, olcott wrote:
On 5/20/2024 2:32 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/20/2024 12:23 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/20/2024 12:15 PM, olcott wrote:
On 5/20/2024 1:35 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 5/20/2024 10:20 AM, olcott wrote:
On 5/20/2024 12:15 PM, Bonita Montero wrote:
Am 20.05.2024 um 18:01 schrieb olcott:
On 5/20/2024 10:16 AM, Bonita Montero wrote:
Am 20.05.2024 um 16:47 schrieb olcott:
It is a simple question about the behavior of C functions.
This group's purpose is the C/C++ language.
Your question is generic to most languages and you're
not asking how to do that in C or how to improve that.
And you're asking the same thing for years.
Yes I am very persistent. I keep asking until
I get an answer.
After some time you should recognize you're doing circles.
I am asking a straight forward question that people
keep ignoring it has nothing to do will my circles:
Ask until answered stops when answered.
Think of your halt decider running a black box program.
*It is not even a halt decider in this post it is merely a simulator*
Humm... So, what is your main point? You cannot decide if a program will halt, _unless_ you code the test program?
Can I create a program that runs in your simulator? Can I call into a TRNG or something? Create a race condition on purpose? Check this out:
The entire scope of my 20 year primary research only has
the scope of the conventional HP counter-example inputs.
I can do this at the Turing Machine level too, yet off-topic
for this group.
So, you do not care if the halting problem can be applied to a "black box" program? What am I missing here? I must be missing something important, right?
I do not want to discuss things that are off-topic for this
group. I don't want to discuss anything with anyone until
after my claim about the execution trace has been validated.
I am using categorically exhaustive reasoning that can work
through every possibility that can possibly exist in a feasible
amount of time as long as the category is very very narrow.
Enlarge the category a tiny little bit and then the time
becomes infeasible.
*D correctly simulated by H never reaches its own line 06 and halts*
How can I create a program that runs in your simulator?
That is another different category of question.
 It's been a while since I have used x86 assembly language. But, I can get back into it, if needed... Here is some of my older code:
I found out that almost everyone is totally clueless about
assembly language and that is why it is so important that
credible experts confirm what I already know:
typedef int (*ptr)();  // ptr is pointer to int function
00 int H(ptr p, ptr i);
01 int D(ptr p)
02 {
03   int Halt_Status = H(p, p);
04   if (Halt_Status)
05     HERE: goto HERE;
06   return Halt_Status;
07 }
09 int main()
10 {
11   H(D,D);
12   return 0;
13 }
Every element of an infinite set of H/D pairs matching the above
template where H correctly simulates 1 to ∞ steps of D thus including
0 to ∞ recursive simulations of H simulating itself simulating D.
*D correctly simulated by H never reaches its own line 06 and halts*

If I was not diagnosed with POD24 and instead was 100% totally
immortal I could not tolerate the change-the-subject rebuttal
and prove my point in finite time.
*Validation of POD24 as a robust early clinical end point of*
*poor survival in FL from 5225 patients on 13 clinical trials*
Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer

Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 May 24 * Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?137olcott
18 May 24 +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Richard Damon
19 May 24 +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Sam
19 May 24 i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2olcott
19 May 24 i `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1jak
19 May 24 +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Rosario19
19 May 24 i`- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
19 May 24 +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?127Bonita Montero
19 May 24 i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?126olcott
19 May 24 i +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Richard Damon
20 May 24 i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?124Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?123olcott
20 May 24 i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?54Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?53olcott
20 May 24 i   i +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?44Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?43olcott
20 May 24 i   i i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?42Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?41olcott
20 May 24 i   i i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?40Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?39olcott
20 May 24 i   i i     +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Richard Harnden
20 May 24 i   i i     i`- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   i i     `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?36Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i      `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?35olcott
20 May 24 i   i i       `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?34Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?13olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?12Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?11olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i  +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i  +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i  i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i  i `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?6Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?5olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?4Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i     `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i      `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i       `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?20Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i         `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?19olcott
20 May 24 i   i i          `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?18Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i           `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?17olcott
20 May 24 i   i i            `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?16Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i             `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?15olcott
20 May 24 i   i i              `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?14Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i               `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?13olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?12Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                 +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                 `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?10olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?9Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?8Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?7olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                     +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?5Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                     i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?4olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                     i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                     i  +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                     i  `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                     `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?8Fred. Zwarts
20 May 24 i   i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?7olcott
20 May 24 i   i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Paavo Helde
20 May 24 i   i   i`- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?4Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3olcott
20 May 24 i   i     `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Fred. Zwarts
20 May 24 i   i      `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?35Sam
21 May 24 i   i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?34olcott
21 May 24 i   i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?33Sam
21 May 24 i   i  +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?30olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?29Sam
21 May 24 i   i  i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?28olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?27Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?26olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i    +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?24Sam
21 May 24 i   i  i     `* Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?23olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i      +* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?7Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i      i`* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?6Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i      i `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?5olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i      i  `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?4Chris M. Thomasson
22 May 24 i   i  i      i   `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i      i    `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2Chris M. Thomasson
22 May 24 i   i  i      i     `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i      `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?15Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i       +* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?5olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i       i`* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?4Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i       i `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i       i  `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i       i   `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1Tim Rentsch
22 May 24 i   i  i       `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?9olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i        +* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i        i`* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2tTh
22 May 24 i   i  i        i `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1Chris M. Thomasson
22 May 24 i   i  i        `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?5Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i         `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?4Bonita Montero
22 May 24 i   i  i          `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i           `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i            `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i   `- Can D simulated by any H possibly reach its own line 06 and halt?1olcott
21 May 24 i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?31olcott
22 May 24 i   `* Partial function types2Tim Rentsch
20 May 24 `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Marcel Mueller

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