Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?

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Sujet : Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?
De : chris.m.thomasson.1 (at) *nospam* (Chris M. Thomasson)
Groupes : comp.lang.c comp.lang.c++
Date : 21. May 2024, 20:03:21
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v2ir5p$noij$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 5/21/2024 6:37 AM, olcott wrote:
On 5/21/2024 6:48 AM, Sam wrote:
olcott writes:
People on comp.theory have consistently lied about this
for at least the last two years:
typedef int (*ptr)();
int H(ptr P, ptr I);
int D(ptr x)
  int Halt_Status = H(x, x);
  if (Halt_Status)
    HERE: goto HERE;
  return Halt_Status;
int main()
  return 0;
Your C compiler also lied to you, if it ever claimed of succeeding in compiling and producing an executable out of this masterpiece.
 Keith Thompson has confirmed that my code both compiles
and conforms to the c17 standard.
Where did he say exactly that?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 May 24 * Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?137olcott
18 May 24 +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Richard Damon
19 May 24 +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Sam
19 May 24 i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2olcott
19 May 24 i `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1jak
19 May 24 +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Rosario19
19 May 24 i`- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
19 May 24 +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?127Bonita Montero
19 May 24 i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?126olcott
19 May 24 i +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Richard Damon
20 May 24 i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?124Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?123olcott
20 May 24 i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?54Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?53olcott
20 May 24 i   i +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?44Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?43olcott
20 May 24 i   i i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?42Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?41olcott
20 May 24 i   i i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?40Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?39olcott
20 May 24 i   i i     +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Richard Harnden
20 May 24 i   i i     i`- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   i i     `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?36Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i      `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?35olcott
20 May 24 i   i i       `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?34Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?13olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?12Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?11olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i  +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i  +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i  i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i  i `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?6Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?5olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?4Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i     `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3olcott
20 May 24 i   i i        i      `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        i       `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i        `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?20Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i         `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?19olcott
20 May 24 i   i i          `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?18Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i           `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?17olcott
20 May 24 i   i i            `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?16Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i             `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?15olcott
20 May 24 i   i i              `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?14Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i               `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?13olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?12Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                 +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                 `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?10olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?9Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?8Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?7olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                     +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?5Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                     i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?4olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                     i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                     i  +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i i                     i  `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   i i                     `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
20 May 24 i   i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?8Fred. Zwarts
20 May 24 i   i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?7olcott
20 May 24 i   i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Paavo Helde
20 May 24 i   i   i`- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?4Bonita Montero
20 May 24 i   i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3olcott
20 May 24 i   i     `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Fred. Zwarts
20 May 24 i   i      `- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1olcott
20 May 24 i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?35Sam
21 May 24 i   i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?34olcott
21 May 24 i   i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?33Sam
21 May 24 i   i  +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?30olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i`* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?29Sam
21 May 24 i   i  i `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?28olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?27Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i   `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?26olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i    +- Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?1Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i    `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?24Sam
21 May 24 i   i  i     `* Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?23olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i      +* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?7Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i      i`* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?6Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  i      i `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?5olcott
21 May 24 i   i  i      i  `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?4Chris M. Thomasson
22 May 24 i   i  i      i   `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i      i    `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2Chris M. Thomasson
22 May 24 i   i  i      i     `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i      `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?15Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i       +* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?5olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i       i`* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?4Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i       i `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i       i  `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i       i   `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1Tim Rentsch
22 May 24 i   i  i       `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?9olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i        +* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i        i`* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2tTh
22 May 24 i   i  i        i `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1Chris M. Thomasson
22 May 24 i   i  i        `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?5Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i         `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?4Bonita Montero
22 May 24 i   i  i          `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?3olcott
22 May 24 i   i  i           `* Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?2Sam
22 May 24 i   i  i            `- Re: Can D correctly simulated by H reach its own line 06 and halt?1Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i  `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?2Chris M. Thomasson
21 May 24 i   i   `- Can D simulated by any H possibly reach its own line 06 and halt?1olcott
21 May 24 i   +* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?31olcott
22 May 24 i   `* Partial function types2Tim Rentsch
20 May 24 `* Re: Can someone please verify the execution trace of this?3Marcel Mueller

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