Re: C23 thoughts and opinions

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Sujet : Re: C23 thoughts and opinions
De : david.brown (at) *nospam* (David Brown)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 23. May 2024, 13:17:53
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On 22/05/2024 22:26, Thiago Adams wrote:
On 22/05/2024 17:11, David Brown wrote:
On 22/05/2024 19:42, Thiago Adams wrote:
On 22/05/2024 13:55, David Brown wrote:
In an attempt to bring some topicality to the group, has anyone started using, or considering, C23 ?  There's quite a lot of change in it, especially compared to the minor changes in C17.

  - constexpr
I will definitely use that.  Sometimes I want a constant expression for things like array sizes or static initialisers, and want to calculate it.  constexpr gives you that without having to resort to macros.  (I'd perhaps be even happier if I could just use const, as I can in C++.)
 I am curious for that. Do you have a sample?
If I try to be precise about the terms "constant expression", "integer constant expression", etc., I suspect I will get the details wrong unless I spend a lot of time checking carefully.  So I hope it is good enough for me to be a bit lazy and quote the error messages from gcc (with "-std=c23 -Wpedantic").
With this code, compilation fails "initialiser element is not a constant" for y.
     int x = 100;
     int y = x / 20;
     int zs[y];
With this code, compilation fails because the zs is actually a VLA, and "variably modified 'zs' at file scope" is not allowed.
     const int x = 100;
     const int y = x / 20;
     int zs[y];
This code, however, is fine:
     constexpr int x = 100;
     constexpr int y = x / 20;
     int zs[y];
This also works, even for older standards:
     enum { x = 100 };
     enum { y = x / 20 };
     int zs[y];
But constexpr works for other types, not just "int" which is the type of all enumeration constants.  (And "enum" constants are a somewhat weird way to get this effect - "constexpr" looks neater.)
And in general, I like to be able to say, to the compiler and to people reading the code, "this thing is really fixed and constant, and stop compiling if you think I am wrong" rather than just "I promise I won't change this thing - or if I do, I don't mind the nasal daemons".

Not sure
  - empty initializer
I don't see that one being a big hit, at least for me.  But I see little benefit in /not/ allowing it in the language, so it seems a sensible addition.
 This is what I use
struct X x = {0};
But I can do a find-replace and change everything to {}
You could, but I don't really see the point of such a change.  But in new code it would be fine to write "= {}" rather than "= { 0 }".

When I create samples, I use new feature like nullptr and {}.
The problem I see is to use these features in real code, and create a mess of styles.
I think you need significant motivation to justify changing style in existing code, and I don't see anything here that would make me want to change existing C17 code to C23 code.  But when writing new code, I'd use the new features.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 May 24 * C23 thoughts and opinions524David Brown
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions355Thiago Adams
22 May 24 i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions352David Brown
22 May 24 ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions22Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions21David Brown
23 May 24 iii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions20Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii  +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions18David Brown
23 May 24 iii  i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions17Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii  i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions16Keith Thompson
24 May 24 iii  i  +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
24 May 24 iii  i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions14Thiago Adams
24 May 24 iii  i   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions13Keith Thompson
24 May 24 iii  i    `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions12Thiago Adams
24 May 24 iii  i     `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions11Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iii  i      `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10Thiago Adams
25 May 24 iii  i       +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iii  i       i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3Thiago Adams
25 May 24 iii  i       i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
26 May 24 iii  i       i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iii  i       `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5David Brown
25 May 24 iii  i        `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Thiago Adams
25 May 24 iii  i         +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
26 May 24 iii  i         i`- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
6 Jun 24 iii  i         `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
22 May 24 ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions323Keith Thompson
23 May 24 iii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions313Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iiii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions312bart
23 May 24 iiii +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions309David Brown
23 May 24 iiii i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions308Keith Thompson
24 May 24 iiii i +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
25 May 24 iiii i +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions305Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iiii i i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions304David Brown
25 May 24 iiii i i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions303Keith Thompson
26 May 24 iiii i i  +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions300David Brown
26 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions17bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions16Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions15bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions14Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5Malcolm McLean
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Michael S
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i  +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Chris M. Thomasson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Keith Thompson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii    `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  i+- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
27 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions66Keith Thompson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions62David Brown
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions61Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions60David Brown
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions59Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
29 May 24 iiii i i  iii   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions57David Brown
14 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii    `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions56Keith Thompson
14 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions12bart
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions11David Brown
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10bart
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4bart
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Chris M. Thomasson
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4David Brown
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3bart
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i    +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i    `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3David Brown
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     `* Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)40Keith Thompson
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)20David Brown
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i+* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)18Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii+* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      iii`- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)15David Brown
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)6Keith Thompson
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5David Brown
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)4Kaz Kylheku
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i  `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3Michael S
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i   +- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1bart
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i   `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Michael S
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)8Lawrence D'Oliveiro
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)6David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1James Kuyper
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i`- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5Richard Kettlewell
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i+- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Richard Kettlewell
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i +- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Richard Kettlewell
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)14bart
28 May 24 iiii i i  ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  ii`- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Malcolm McLean
27 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions121Lawrence D'Oliveiro
28 May 24 iiii i i  i`* xxd -i vs DIY Was: C23 thoughts and opinions94Michael S
28 May 24 iiii i i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
12 Jun 24 iiii i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Bonita Montero
23 May 24 iiii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
23 May 24 iii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions7Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
23 May 24 ii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions6Michael S
23 May 24 i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10Malcolm McLean
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions9Chris M. Thomasson
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions14Michael S
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions - why so conservative?37Michael S
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions94Bonita Montero
25 May 24 `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Thiago Adams

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