Re: xxd -i vs DIY Was: C23 thoughts and opinions

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Sujet : Re: xxd -i vs DIY Was: C23 thoughts and opinions
De : malcolm.arthur.mclean (at) *nospam* (Malcolm McLean)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 30. May 2024, 16:41:23
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 30/05/2024 12:23, bart wrote:
On 30/05/2024 02:31, Malcolm McLean wrote:
On 30/05/2024 01:18, bart wrote:
On 29/05/2024 22:46, Malcolm McLean wrote:
Baby X can't compete.
Huh? I didn't know Baby X was an OS!
Its an API. You call the Baby X API to get buttons and menus and other graphical elements, instead of Windows APIs. And it has just got its own file system.
 Hardly anybody uses the WinAPI directly.
 Everyone uses wrapper libraries, usually cross-platform. Ones like GTK, SDL, Raylib, maybe even OpenGL.
 Those are your competitors, although I'm not sure which one corresponds more closely with what BBX does (which I thought was also cross-platform?)
 I'm not sure what you mean by having its own file system. But I don't use the file system calls of WinAPI either; I use the C standard library.
It's just being implemented.
I'm rather proud of the idea, and it seems to work well. You convert a directory to a XML file using directorytoxml, which recursively crawls it. Then you convert the XML to a C string with the Baby X resource compiler. Then you load it with the XML parser, and then you query for files using a little function I wrote to take a path and return a FILE *.
So you've a mounted embedded file system. It's rather an extravagant solution because you are duplicating the entire string by loading the DOM into RAM. A better approach would use a different parser which kept references to ther source strings in the node and gave data on demand, rather then duplicating it for every node - that would be quite a bit of work.
But for a small files system or a modern hosted platform with many gigabytes installed, it should be fine. I just want someone to use it for real.
Check out Basic Algorithms and my other books:

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 May 24 * C23 thoughts and opinions524David Brown
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions355Thiago Adams
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25 May 24 iii  i       i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
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25 May 24 iii  i       `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5David Brown
25 May 24 iii  i        `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Thiago Adams
25 May 24 iii  i         +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
26 May 24 iii  i         i`- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
6 Jun 24 iii  i         `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
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23 May 24 iii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions313Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iiii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions312bart
23 May 24 iiii +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions309David Brown
23 May 24 iiii i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions308Keith Thompson
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25 May 24 iiii i +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions305Keith Thompson
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26 May 24 iiii i i  ii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions15bart
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26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5Malcolm McLean
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Michael S
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i  +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Chris M. Thomasson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Keith Thompson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii    `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  i+- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
27 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions66Keith Thompson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions62David Brown
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions61Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions60David Brown
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions59Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
29 May 24 iiii i i  iii   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions57David Brown
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14 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions12bart
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions11David Brown
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10bart
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4bart
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Chris M. Thomasson
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4David Brown
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3bart
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i    +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i    `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3David Brown
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     `* Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)40Keith Thompson
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)20David Brown
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i+* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)18Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii+* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      iii`- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)15David Brown
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)6Keith Thompson
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5David Brown
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)4Kaz Kylheku
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i  `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3Michael S
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i   +- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1bart
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i   `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Michael S
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)8Lawrence D'Oliveiro
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)6David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1James Kuyper
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i`- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5Richard Kettlewell
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i+- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Richard Kettlewell
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i +- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Richard Kettlewell
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)14bart
28 May 24 iiii i i  ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  ii`- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Malcolm McLean
27 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions121Lawrence D'Oliveiro
28 May 24 iiii i i  i`* xxd -i vs DIY Was: C23 thoughts and opinions94Michael S
28 May 24 iiii i i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
12 Jun 24 iiii i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Bonita Montero
23 May 24 iiii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
23 May 24 iii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions7Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
23 May 24 ii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions6Michael S
23 May 24 i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10Malcolm McLean
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions9Chris M. Thomasson
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions14Michael S
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions - why so conservative?37Michael S
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions94Bonita Montero
25 May 24 `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Thiago Adams

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