Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)

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Sujet : Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)
De : david.brown (at) *nospam* (David Brown)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 17. Jun 2024, 10:42:22
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On 17/06/2024 01:48, Keith Thompson wrote:
Keith Thompson <> writes:
uc"..." string literals might be made even simpler, for example allowing
only hex digits and not requiring \x (uc"01020304" rather than
uc"\x01\x02\x03\x04").  That's probably overkill.  uc"..."  literals
could be useful in other contexts, and programmers will want
flexibility.  Maybe something like hex"01020304" (embedded spaces could
be ignored) could be defined in addition to uc"\x01\x02\x03\x04".
 *If* hexadecimal string literals were to be added to a future version
of the language, I think I have a syntax that I like better than
what I suggested.
I like your suggestion here.  It's very similar to mine, though with a prefix 0x"..." rather than b"...".  I'd be fine with either.

Inspired by the existing syntax for integer and floating-point
hex constants, I propose using a "0x" prefix.  0x"deadbeef" is an
expression of type `const unsigned char[4]` (assuming CHAR_BIT==8),
with values 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef in that order.  Byte order is
irrelevant; we're specifying byte values in order, not bytes of
the representation of some larger type.  memcpy()ing 0x"deadbeef"
to a uint32 might yield either 0xdeadbeef or uxefbeadde (or other
more exotic possibilities).
 Again, unlike other string literals, there is no implicit terminating
null byte.  And I suggest making them const, since there's no
existing code to break.
 If CHAR_BIT==8, each byte is represented by two hex digits.  More
generally, each byte is represented by (CHAR_BIT+3)/4 hex digits in
the absence of whitespace.  Added whitespace marks the end of a byte,
0x"deadbeef" is 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes if CHAR_BIT is 32, 16, 12, or 8
respectively, but 0x"de ad be ef" is 4 bytes regardless of CHAR_BIT.
0x"" is a syntax error, since C doesn't support zero-length arrays.
Anything between the quotes other than hex digits and spaces is a
syntax error.
Fair enough.

 0x"dead beef" is still 4 bytes if CHAR_BIT==8; the space forces the
end of a byte, but the usage of spaces doesn't have to be consistent.
 This could be made more flexible by allowing various backslash
escapes, but I'm not inclined to complicate it too much.
I would /definitely/ vote against any kind of backslash escapes here. That would mess up the simplicity of the syntax.
There might be benefits in having standardised macros that generate multiple copies of a given hex string and that sort of thing.

 Note that the value of a (proposed) hex string literal is not a
string unless it happens to end in zero.  I still use the term
"string literal" because it's closely tied to existing string
literal syntax, and existing string literals don't necessarily
represent strings anyway ("embedded\0null\0characters").
 Binary string literals 0b"11001001" might also be worth
considering (that's of type `const unsigned char[1]`). 
That is /highly/ unlikely to be useful.  I work in the field that uses binary more than anywhere else, and where compilers have supported 0b11001001 format for binary literals from /long/ before they reached the C standards - and I have very rarely seen them in practice.  When you do see them, they are in isolation - no one will write enough binary values in a row for such a format to be useful.  Hex strings are potentially useful because you are cutting { 0x12, 0x34, 0x45, 0x67 } to 0x"12344567", which is a fair bit more compact.  For binary, the compaction is irrelevant and indeed counter-productive - binary literals became a lot more practical with the introduction of digit separators. (For standard C, these are from C23, but for C++ they came in C++14, and compilers have supported them as extensions in C.)

string literals 0"012 345 670" *might* be worth considering.
Most situations where octal could be useful died out many decades ago - it is vastly more likely that "012" is intended to mean 12 than 10.  No serious programming language supports a leading 0 as an indication of octal unless they are forced to do so by backwards compatibility, and many that used to support them have dropped them.
Having /some/ way to write octal can be helpful to old *nix programmers who prefer 046 to "S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP" in their chmod calls. (And to be fair, the constant names made in ancient history with short identifier length limits are pretty ugly.)  But it is not something to be encouraged, and I think there is no simple syntax that is obviously octal, and not easily mistaken for something else.

proposes a new "0o123" syntax for octal constants; if that's adopted,
I propose allowing 0o"..." and *not" 0"...".  I'm not sure whether
to suggest hex only, or doing hex, octal, and binary for the sake
of completeness.
Binary support is useless, and octal support would be worse than useless - even using an 0o rather than 0 prefix.  Completeness is not a justification for repeating old mistakes or complicating a good idea with features that will never be used.

 What I'm trying to design here is a more straightforward way to
represent raw (unsigned char[]) data in C code, largely but not
exclusively for use by #embed.
Personally, I'd see it as useful when /not/ using #embed.  I really do not think programmers will care what format #embed uses.  I don't share your concerns about efficiency of implementation, or that programmers need to know when it is efficient or not.  In almost all circumstances, C programmers never see or need to think about a separation between a C preprocessor and a post-processed C compiler - they are seen as a single entity, and can use whatever format is convenient between them.  And once you ignore the implementation details, which are an SEP, the way #embed is defined is better than a definition using these new hex blob strings.
But I have seen situations where it is useful to have embedded blobs directly in the source file, and then a compact solution would be convenient.  Currently most people use a list of hex constants, either byte for byte or sometimes in larger units, and hex strings like this would make it neater and more convenient.  (Attempts to use current string literals for the purpose look more like corruption in the file than source code.)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 May 24 * C23 thoughts and opinions524David Brown
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions355Thiago Adams
22 May 24 i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions352David Brown
22 May 24 ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions22Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions21David Brown
23 May 24 iii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions20Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii  +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions18David Brown
23 May 24 iii  i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions17Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii  i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions16Keith Thompson
24 May 24 iii  i  +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
24 May 24 iii  i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions14Thiago Adams
24 May 24 iii  i   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions13Keith Thompson
24 May 24 iii  i    `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions12Thiago Adams
24 May 24 iii  i     `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions11Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iii  i      `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10Thiago Adams
25 May 24 iii  i       +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iii  i       i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3Thiago Adams
25 May 24 iii  i       i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
26 May 24 iii  i       i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iii  i       `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5David Brown
25 May 24 iii  i        `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Thiago Adams
25 May 24 iii  i         +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
26 May 24 iii  i         i`- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
6 Jun 24 iii  i         `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
22 May 24 ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions323Keith Thompson
23 May 24 iii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions313Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iiii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions312bart
23 May 24 iiii +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions309David Brown
23 May 24 iiii i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions308Keith Thompson
24 May 24 iiii i +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
25 May 24 iiii i +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions305Keith Thompson
25 May 24 iiii i i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions304David Brown
25 May 24 iiii i i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions303Keith Thompson
26 May 24 iiii i i  +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions300David Brown
26 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions17bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions16Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions15bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions14Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5Malcolm McLean
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4Michael S
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i  +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Chris M. Thomasson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1bart
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Keith Thompson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii    `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
26 May 24 iiii i i  i+- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Thiago Adams
27 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions66Keith Thompson
27 May 24 iiii i i  ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions62David Brown
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions61Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions60David Brown
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions59Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  iii   +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
29 May 24 iiii i i  iii   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions57David Brown
14 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii    `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions56Keith Thompson
14 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions12bart
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions11David Brown
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10bart
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4bart
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Chris M. Thomasson
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  i  `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions4David Brown
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i   `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3bart
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i    +- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i    `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Michael S
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions3David Brown
15 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
16 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1David Brown
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii     `* Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)40Keith Thompson
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)20David Brown
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i+* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)18Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii+* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      iii`- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)15David Brown
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)6Keith Thompson
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5David Brown
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)4Kaz Kylheku
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i  `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3Michael S
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i   +- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1bart
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii i   `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Michael S
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)8Lawrence D'Oliveiro
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)6David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1David Brown
21 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1James Kuyper
19 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      ii  `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i`- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      +* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)5Richard Kettlewell
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i+- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Richard Kettlewell
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i`* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)3Keith Thompson
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i +- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
18 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      i `- Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)1Richard Kettlewell
17 Jun 24 iiii i i  iii      `* Re: Hex string literals (was Re: C23 thoughts and opinions)14bart
28 May 24 iiii i i  ii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
28 May 24 iiii i i  ii`- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Malcolm McLean
27 May 24 iiii i i  i+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions121Lawrence D'Oliveiro
28 May 24 iiii i i  i`* xxd -i vs DIY Was: C23 thoughts and opinions94Michael S
28 May 24 iiii i i  `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
12 Jun 24 iiii i `- Re: C23 thoughts and opinions1Bonita Montero
23 May 24 iiii `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Keith Thompson
23 May 24 iii+* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions7Thiago Adams
23 May 24 iii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2David Brown
23 May 24 ii`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions6Michael S
23 May 24 i`* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions10Malcolm McLean
22 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions9Chris M. Thomasson
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions14Michael S
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions - why so conservative?37Michael S
23 May 24 +* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions94Bonita Montero
25 May 24 `* Re: C23 thoughts and opinions2Thiago Adams

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