Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?

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Sujet : Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?
De : Keith.S.Thompson+u (at) *nospam* (Keith Thompson)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 21. Jun 2024, 18:50:40
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Michael S <> writes:
On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 13:58:01 -0000 (UTC)
I implementation that I just tested strtoll and strtull are not the
same. They deliver different answers when input is out of range.

Yes, that's the required behavior.  N1570
The strtol, strtoll, strtoul, and strtoull functions return the
converted value, if any. If no conversion could be performed, zero is
returned. If the correct value is outside the range of representable
ULLONG_MAX is returned (according to the return type and sign of the
value, if any), and the value of the macro ERANGE is stored in errno.

N3220 has identical wording in  The wording for strtoimax
and strtoumax (<inttypes.h>) is equivalent.

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith)
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */

Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 Jun 24 * The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?45Kenny McCormack
20 Jun 24 +- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Lew Pitcher
20 Jun 24 +- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Lew Pitcher
20 Jun 24 +- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Keith Thompson
20 Jun 24 +* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?2Kaz Kylheku
21 Jun 24 i`- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Kenny McCormack
21 Jun 24 +* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?38Kenny McCormack
21 Jun 24 i+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?34Michael S
21 Jun 24 ii+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?27Michael S
21 Jun 24 iii+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?19Ben Bacarisse
23 Jun 24 iiii`* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?18Michael S
23 Jun 24 iiii `* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?17Ben Bacarisse
23 Jun 24 iiii  `* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?16Michael S
23 Jun 24 iiii   `* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?15Ben Bacarisse
23 Jun 24 iiii    +- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Michael S
23 Jun 24 iiii    +* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?12Tim Rentsch
24 Jun 24 iiii    i+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?10Keith Thompson
24 Jun 24 iiii    ii+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?8Ben Bacarisse
24 Jun 24 iiii    iii+- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Keith Thompson
24 Jun 24 iiii    iii`* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?6Kaz Kylheku
24 Jun 24 iiii    iii +* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?3Kaz Kylheku
24 Jun 24 iiii    iii i`* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?2Keith Thompson
24 Jun 24 iiii    iii i `- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Kaz Kylheku
24 Jun 24 iiii    iii `* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?2Keith Thompson
24 Jun 24 iiii    iii  `- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Michael S
24 Jun 24 iiii    ii`- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Tim Rentsch
24 Jun 24 iiii    i`- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Tim Rentsch
24 Jun 24 iiii    `- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
21 Jun 24 iii+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?4James Kuyper
21 Jun 24 iiii+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?2Kenny McCormack
23 Jun 24 iiiii`- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Michael S
22 Jun 24 iiii`- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Michael S
22 Jun 24 iii`* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 Jun 24 iii +- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 Jun 24 iii `- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1James Kuyper
21 Jun 24 ii`* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?6Ben Bacarisse
21 Jun 24 ii `* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?5Keith Thompson
22 Jun 24 ii  +- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
22 Jun 24 ii  `* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?3Michael S
23 Jun 24 ii   +- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
23 Jun 24 ii   `- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Keith Thompson
21 Jun 24 i+* Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?2Michael S
21 Jun 24 ii`- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Keith Thompson
22 Jun 24 i`- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Kaz Kylheku
23 Jun 24 `- Re: The difference between strtol() and strtoul() ?1Richard Kettlewell

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