Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?

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Sujet : Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?
De : jameskuyper (at) *nospam* (James Kuyper)
Groupes : comp.lang.c comp.lang.c++
Date : 22. Jun 2024, 22:49:47
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v57gtr$3un26$>
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User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 6/22/24 3:17 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
On 6/22/2024 10:58 AM, Bonita Montero wrote:
Most UB is there to allow optimizations, also in this case.
I've got no problem with that.
Humm. Sounds reasonable. UB is there to be defined by a non-conforming
compiler? ;^)

By definition, non-conforming implementations can always do whatever
they like, regardless of whether the code has undefined behavior, merely
unspecified behavior, or even standard-defined behavior.

UB is for the benefit of conforming implementations. It gives them
permission to handle code that has UB any way they want, without
sacrificing conformance.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
17 Jun 24 * Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?25olcott
17 Jun 24 +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?23Bonita Montero
17 Jun 24 i+- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1olcott
19 Jun 24 i+- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1olcott
21 Jun 24 i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?20olcott
22 Jun 24 i +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?18Richard Harnden
22 Jun 24 i i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?17olcott
22 Jun 24 i i `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?16Richard Damon
22 Jun 24 i i  `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?15olcott
22 Jun 24 i i   +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?6Richard Damon
22 Jun 24 i i   i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?5Bonita Montero
22 Jun 24 i i   i `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?4Richard Damon
23 Jun 24 i i   i  `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?3Bonita Montero
23 Jun 24 i i   i   +- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Richard Damon
23 Jun 24 i i   i   `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1David Brown
22 Jun 24 i i   +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?7Bonita Montero
22 Jun 24 i i   i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?6Chris M. Thomasson
22 Jun 24 i i   i +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?3Richard Damon
22 Jun 24 i i   i i+- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Chris M. Thomasson
22 Jun 24 i i   i i`- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Chris M. Thomasson
22 Jun 24 i i   i +- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1James Kuyper
23 Jun 24 i i   i `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1David Brown
23 Jun 24 i i   `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1David Brown
26 Jun 24 i `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Bonita Montero
23 Jun 24 `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1olcott

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