Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?

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Sujet : Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?
De : david.brown (at) *nospam* (David Brown)
Groupes : comp.lang.c comp.lang.c++
Date : 23. Jun 2024, 13:30:31
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v594h7$ban8$>
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On 22/06/2024 18:36, olcott wrote:
On 6/22/2024 8:58 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
On 6/22/24 8:42 AM, olcott wrote:
On 6/22/2024 5:13 AM, Richard Harnden wrote:

I would say that this would indicate that you are insufficiently
competent with the C programming language.
It seems you are the one that doesn't know the C programing language. After all, you didn't know about the unordering of sub-expressions, or that this can lead to undefined behavior.
 It seems pretty stupid to allow gaps in the semantics of C++ programs. Simply specify that the order of evaluation is left to right unless:
(a) Otherwise specified such as operator precedence rules.
(b) Derives the same result as left to right ordering.
The tighter you specify something, the less scope there is for optimisations and generating more efficient code.  It's a tradeoff.  C and C++, as languages aimed at (amongst other uses) generating efficient code, have design decisions that give more flexibility to the compilers rather than specifying the details of how implementations must work.
It is very simple to enforce the logical order of calculation of subexpressions - use temporary variables.  So the programmer has the choice you are looking for, but needs to express it in a different way from what you thought.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
17 Jun 24 * Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?25olcott
17 Jun 24 +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?23Bonita Montero
17 Jun 24 i+- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1olcott
19 Jun 24 i+- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1olcott
21 Jun 24 i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?20olcott
22 Jun 24 i +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?18Richard Harnden
22 Jun 24 i i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?17olcott
22 Jun 24 i i `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?16Richard Damon
22 Jun 24 i i  `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?15olcott
22 Jun 24 i i   +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?6Richard Damon
22 Jun 24 i i   i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?5Bonita Montero
22 Jun 24 i i   i `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?4Richard Damon
23 Jun 24 i i   i  `* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?3Bonita Montero
23 Jun 24 i i   i   +- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Richard Damon
23 Jun 24 i i   i   `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1David Brown
22 Jun 24 i i   +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?7Bonita Montero
22 Jun 24 i i   i`* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?6Chris M. Thomasson
22 Jun 24 i i   i +* Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?3Richard Damon
22 Jun 24 i i   i i+- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Chris M. Thomasson
22 Jun 24 i i   i i`- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Chris M. Thomasson
22 Jun 24 i i   i +- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1James Kuyper
23 Jun 24 i i   i `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1David Brown
23 Jun 24 i i   `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1David Brown
26 Jun 24 i `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1Bonita Montero
23 Jun 24 `- Re: Can you please verify that the analysis of these C functions is correct?1olcott

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