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On 24/06/2024 09:28, David Brown wrote:Given your decade (at least) old battle to misunderstand the most commonly used build tool, yes.On 24/06/2024 02:56, Scott Lurndal wrote:I've been building programs for approaching half a century, and I've been developing tools do so for most of that.bart <> writes:>On 24/06/2024 00:52, Malcolm McLean wrote:>43 seconds compile time is getting to be a bit of a problem. But not for>
the final build. Only for intermediate builds.
That isn't the issue here (it could have been 4.3 seconds vs 1.7 seconds).
David Brown was claiming there was little difference (15%, although on
the 34.3s and 30.8s timings, it is actually 11% not 15%) between
optimised and unoptimised builds, whereas I have always seen substantial
differences like 100% or more.
I think the main problem is that Bart doesn't understand what "builds" are. And he doesn't understand the relevance - or irrelevance - of compile times while developing software, and how they relate to /build/ times or /development/ time. I don't care how long it takes to compile a file - I care how long the build takes.
Do you really thing I don't know what a 'build' is?
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