Re: Baby X is bor nagain

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Sujet : Re: Baby X is bor nagain
De : david.brown (at) *nospam* (David Brown)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 24. Jun 2024, 16:09:25
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 24/06/2024 16:00, bart wrote:
On 24/06/2024 14:09, Michael S wrote:
On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 22:47:46 +0100
bart <> wrote:
On 21/06/2024 14:34, David Brown wrote:
On 21/06/2024 12:42, bart wrote:
On 21/06/2024 10:46, David Brown wrote:
I understand your viewpoint and motivation.  But my own
experience is mostly different.
First, to get it out of the way, there's the speed of
compilation. While heavy optimisation (-O3) can take noticeably
longer, I never see -O0 as being in any noticeable way faster for
compilation than -O1 or even -O2.
Absolute time or relative?
For me, optimised options with gcc always take longer:
Of course.  But I said it was not noticeable - it does not make
enough difference in speed for it to be worth choosing.
   C:\c>tm gcc bignum.c -shared -s -obignum.dll        # from cold
   TM: 3.85
Cold build times are irrelevant to development - when you are
working on a project, all the source files and all your compiler
files are in the PC's cache.
   C:\c>tm gcc bignum.c -shared -s -obignum.dll
   TM: 0.31
   C:\c>tm gcc bignum.c -shared -s -obignum.dll -O2
   TM: 0.83
   C:\c>tm gcc bignum.c -shared -s -obignum.dll -O3
   TM: 0.93
   C:\c>dir bignum.dll
   21/06/2024  11:14            35,840 bignum.dll
Any build time under a second is as good as instant.
I tested on a real project, not a single file.  It has 158 C files
and about 220 header files.  And I ran it on my old PC, without any
"tricks" that you dislike so much, doing full clean re-builds.  The
files are actually all compiled twice, building two variants of the
With -O2, it took 34.3 seconds to build.  With -O1, it took 33.4
seconds.  With -O0, it took 30.8 seconds.
So that is a 15% difference for full builds.  In practice, of
course, full rebuilds are rarely needed, and most builds after
changes to the source are within a second or so.
Then there's something very peculiar about your codebase.
To me it looks more likely that your codebase is very unusual rather
than David's
In order to get meaningful measurements I took embedded project that
is significantly bigger than average by my standards. Here are times of
full parallel rebuild (make -j5) on relatively old computer (4-core Xeon
E3-1271 v3).
Option time(s) -g time text size
-O0    13.1      13.3   631648
-Os    13.6      14.1   424016
-O1    13.5      13.7   455728
-O2    14.0      14.1   450056
-O3    14.0      14.6   525380
The difference in time between different -O settings in my measurements
is even smaller than reported by David Brown. That can be attributed to
older compiler (gcc 4.1.2). Another difference is that this compiler
works under cygwin, which is significantly slower both than native
Linux and than native Windows. That causes relatively higher make
overhead and longer link.
 I don't know why Cygwin would make much difference; the native code is still running on the same processor.
Cygwin, especially older Cygwin, is very slow for all file access and all process control, because it tries to emulate POSIX as closely as possible on an OS that has only a fraction of the necessary features. gcc is not a monolithic tool - it is a driver, and controls multiple processes and accesses a fairly large number of files.  So Cygwin-based gcc builds will spend a considerable amount of time in this sort of thing rather than actual processor-bound compiler work.  I am confident that Michael would find a mingw/mingw64 based build significantly faster since that has a far thinner (almost transparent) emulation layer.  And it would be a good deal faster again under Linux in the same hardware, as that has more efficient file handling.
(I'm not suggesting Michael change for this project - for serious embedded work, repeatable builds and consistency of toolchains is generally far more important than build times.  But I presume he'll use newer and better tools for new projects.)

However, is there any way of isolating the compilation time (turning .c files into either or .o files) from 'make' the linker?
Why would anyone want to do that?  At times, it can be useful to do partial builds, but compilation alone is not particularly useful.

Failing that, can you compile just one module in isolation (.c to .o) with -O0 and -O2, or is that not possible?
 Those throughputs don't look that impressive for a parallel build on what sounds like a high-spec machine.
How can you possibly judge that when you have no idea how big the project is?

If I had were "native" tools then all times will be likely shorter by
few seconds and the difference between -O0 and -O3 will be close to 10%.
 So two people now saying that all the many dozens of extras passes and extra analysis that gcc -O2/O3 has to do, compared with the basic front-end work that every toy compiler needs to do and does it quickly, only slows it down by 10%.
 I really don't believe it. And you should understand that it doesn't add up.
That's not what people have said.
They have said that /build/ times for /real/ projects, measured in real time, with optimisation disabled do not give a speedup which justifies turning off optimisation and losing the features you get with a strong optimising compiler.
No one denies that "gcc -O0" is faster than "gcc -O3" for individual compiles, and that the percentage difference will vary and sometimes be large.
But that's not the point.  People who do C development for a living, do not measure the quality of their tools by the speed of compiling random junk they found on the internet to see which compiler saves them half a second.
Factors that are important for considering a compiler can include, in no particular order and not all relevant to all developers :
* Does it support the target devices I need?
* Does it support the languages and language standards I want?
* Does it have the extensions I want to use?
* How good are its error messages at leading me to problems in the code?
* How good is its static checks and warnings?
* How efficient are the results?
* Is it compatible with the libraries and SDK's I want to use?
* Is it commonly used by others - colleagues, customers, suppliers?
* Is it supported by the suppliers of my microcontrollers, OS, etc.?
* Can I easily run it on multiple machines?
* Can I back it up and run it on systems in the future?
* Can I get hold of specific old versions of the tools?  Can I reasonably expect the tools to be available for a long time in the future?
* What are the policies for bug reporting, and bug fixing in the toolchain?
* How easy is it to examine the generated code?
* Does it play well with my IDE, such as cross-navigating between compiler messages and source code?
* Does it have any restrictions in its use?
* How good is the documentation?
* Does it have enough flexibility to tune it to my needs and preferences for source code checks and warnings?
* Does it have enough flexibility to tune it to my code generation needs and preferences?
* Can I re-use the same tool for multiple projects?
* Can I use the same source and the same tool (or same family) on my targets and for simulation on PC's?
* Is the tool mainstream and well-tested by users in practice?
* Does the same tool, or family of tools, work for different targets?
* Am I familiar with the tool, its idiosyncrasies, and its options?
* Is it common enough that I can google for questions about it?
* Does it generate the debugging information I need?  Does it play well with my debugger?
* Is the price within budget?  Does it have locks, dongles, or other restrictions?  Is commercial support available if I need it?
* Does it have run-time debugging tools such as sanitizers or optional range checks?
* Does it run on the host systems I want to use?
* Does it have (or integrate with) other tools such as profilers or code coverage tools?
* What is the upgrade path and the expectation of future improvements in new versions?
* Are there any legal requirements or ramifications from using the tool?
* Is it fast enough that it is not annoying to use with normal options and common build automation tools, running on a host within reasonable budget?
Notice how important raw compiler speed is in the grand scheme of things?
The importance of tools is how effective they are for your use as a /developer/.  Seconds saved on compile time are totally irrelevant compared to days, weeks, months saved by tools that help find or prevent errors, or that let you write better or clearer code.
I use gcc - specifically toolchains built and released by ARM - because that is the tool that I rate highest on these factors.  If there were a similar featured clang toolchain I'd look closely at that too.  And over the years I have used many toolchains for many targets, some costing multiple $K for the license.
Of course everyone likes faster compiles, all other things being equal. But the other things are /not/ equal when comparing real-world development tools with the likes of tcc or your little compiler.  The idea that anyone should reasonably expect to get paid for wasting customer time and money with those is just laughable.  It's like being hired to dig up a road and arriving with kid's sand spade then claiming it is better than a mechanical digger because it is smaller and lighter.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jun 24 * Baby X is bor nagain328Malcolm McLean
11 Jun 24 +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3bart
11 Jun 24 i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Malcolm McLean
12 Jun 24 i `- Mac users (Was: Baby X is bor nagain)1Kenny McCormack
11 Jun 24 +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain4Ben Bacarisse
11 Jun 24 i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3Malcolm McLean
12 Jun 24 i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Ben Bacarisse
12 Jun 24 i  `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Malcolm McLean
11 Jun 24 +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain319Bonita Montero
11 Jun 24 i+* Re: Baby X is bor nagain315Malcolm McLean
12 Jun 24 ii`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain314Bonita Montero
12 Jun 24 ii +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain311David Brown
12 Jun 24 ii i+* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Malcolm McLean
12 Jun 24 ii ii`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
12 Jun 24 ii i+- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Bonita Montero
12 Jun 24 ii i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain307bart
12 Jun 24 ii i +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain4Bonita Montero
12 Jun 24 ii i i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3bart
12 Jun 24 ii i i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Bonita Montero
12 Jun 24 ii i i  `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1bart
12 Jun 24 ii i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain302David Brown
12 Jun 24 ii i  `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain301Michael S
12 Jun 24 ii i   +- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Malcolm McLean
13 Jun 24 ii i   `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain299David Brown
13 Jun 24 ii i    +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain5bart
13 Jun 24 ii i    i+* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3tTh
13 Jun 24 ii i    ii`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2bart
14 Jun 24 ii i    ii `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Bonita Montero
13 Jun 24 ii i    i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Michael S
13 Jun 24 ii i    `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain293Michael S
14 Jun 24 ii i     +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3David Brown
14 Jun 24 ii i     i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2bart
15 Jun 24 ii i     i `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
17 Jun 24 ii i     `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain289James Kuyper
17 Jun 24 ii i      +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain86Kaz Kylheku
17 Jun 24 ii i      i+- Are Javascript and Python similarly slow ? (Was: Baby X is bor nagain)1Michael S
17 Jun 24 ii i      i+* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Michael S
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Tim Rentsch
17 Jun 24 ii i      i+* Re: Baby X is bor nagain80David Brown
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain79Michael S
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain78David Brown
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain7bart
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain6David Brown
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2bart
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3DFS
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i  `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Mark Bourne
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i   `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1DFS
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3Malcolm McLean
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i+- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Mark Bourne
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii  `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain67Michael S
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii   +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain65Malcolm McLean
18 Jun 24 ii i      ii   i+* Re: Baby X is bor nagain59Keith Thompson
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain58Malcolm McLean
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain56David Brown
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain55Malcolm McLean
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain54David Brown
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i  `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain53Malcolm McLean
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain10bart
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain9David Brown
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain8bart
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i  `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain7David Brown
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i   `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain6bart
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i    +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Michael S
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i    i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1bart
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i    `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3David Brown
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i     `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2bart
21 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   i      `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i   `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain42David Brown
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i    `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain41Malcolm McLean
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i     +- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i     `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain39Ben Bacarisse
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Malcolm McLean
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Ben Bacarisse
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain9Tim Rentsch
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain8Malcolm McLean
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2James Kuyper
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Keith Thompson
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i +- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Vir Campestris
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Keith Thompson
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1vallor
21 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i +- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Tim Rentsch
21 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      i `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i      `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain27Keith Thompson
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i       `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain26Ben Bacarisse
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i        +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Michael S
21 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i        i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Ben Bacarisse
20 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i        +- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Keith Thompson
21 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i        +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2James Kuyper
21 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i        i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Keith Thompson
22 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i        `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain20Tim Rentsch
23 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i         `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain19Ben Bacarisse
23 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain9James Kuyper
23 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain8Tim Rentsch
23 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          i +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain4Ben Bacarisse
24 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          i i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3Tim Rentsch
25 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          i i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Ben Bacarisse
25 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          i i  `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Tim Rentsch
24 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          i `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3Keith Thompson
24 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          i  `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain2Tim Rentsch
23 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii i          `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain9Tim Rentsch
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   ii `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Keith Thompson
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain5David Brown
19 Jun 24 ii i      ii   `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1David Brown
18 Jun 24 ii i      i+- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1James Kuyper
20 Jun 24 ii i      i`- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Vir Campestris
17 Jun 24 ii i      +* Re: Baby X is bor nagain199bart
17 Jun 24 ii i      `* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3Malcolm McLean
12 Jun 24 ii `* Topicality is not your strong suit (Was: Baby X is bor nagain)2Kenny McCormack
11 Jun 24 i`* Re: Baby X is bor nagain3bart
11 Jun 24 `- Re: Baby X is bor nagain1Kalevi Kolttonen

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