Re: question about nullptr

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Sujet : Re: question about nullptr
De : thiago.adams (at) *nospam* (Thiago Adams)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 07. Jul 2024, 12:40:07
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v6duqm$akaf$>
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User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
Em 7/6/2024 1:57 PM, David Brown escreveu:
On 06/07/2024 16:39, Richard Damon wrote:
On 7/6/24 7:49 AM, Thiago Adams wrote:
If you were creating C code today and could use a C23 compiler, would you use nullptr instead of NULL?
I am asking because I think I will keep using NULL.
I like nullptr semantics but I don't like to introduce new element (nullptr) inside the code with no guarantee that the code will not mix both.
In the past we also didn't have a guarantee we are not mixing 0 or NULL.
I think the best scenario for a team guideline would be a style warning if 0 or nullptr is used and NULL to be defined as nullptr in a C23 compiler.
The (small) problem with 0 or NULL being use is that in a context where you THINK you are passing a pointer, but the function actually is taking an integer value, 0 or NULL (defined as a 0) passes the syntax check.
If C23 REQURIED NULL to be defined as nullptr, then NULL would have been used, but as far as I know, it is still allowed to be defined as 0 (unless you also have POSIX compatibility).
With POSIX Compatibility, where NULL must have the type of (void*) you also avoid the possible error, and thus the desire to use nullptr.
 I hope that defining NULL as nullptr will become common - but I would be surprised to ever see it being required by C standards.
 The ideal would be for C libraries to define NULL as nullptr and for C compilers to support a flag like gcc's "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant" warning (it is currently C++ only).  Then people can easily eliminate any mixup between integer 0 and null pointer constants by using that flag and either NULL or nullptr, according to taste.  (And those who don't want such checks, are not required to change.)
I want a compiler flag "define NULL as nullptr"

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 Jul 24 * question about nullptr125Thiago Adams
6 Jul 24 +- Re: question about nullptr1Bonita Montero
6 Jul 24 +- Re: question about nullptr1John McCue
6 Jul 24 +* Re: question about nullptr104Kaz Kylheku
6 Jul 24 i+* Re: question about nullptr86Janis Papanagnou
6 Jul 24 ii+* Re: question about nullptr2Janis Papanagnou
6 Jul 24 iii`- Re: question about nullptr1Janis Papanagnou
6 Jul 24 ii+* Re: question about nullptr2Andrey Tarasevich
7 Jul 24 iii`- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
6 Jul 24 ii+* Re: question about nullptr2bart
7 Jul 24 iii`- Re: question about nullptr1Keith Thompson
6 Jul 24 ii+* Re: question about nullptr9Chris M. Thomasson
6 Jul 24 iii+* Re: question about nullptr3Chris M. Thomasson
7 Jul 24 iiii`* Re: question about nullptr2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 Jul 24 iiii `- Re: question about nullptr1Chris M. Thomasson
6 Jul 24 iii+- Re: question about nullptr1Richard Damon
7 Jul 24 iii+* Re: question about nullptr3James Kuyper
7 Jul 24 iiii`* Re: question about nullptr2Keith Thompson
7 Jul 24 iiii `- Re: question about nullptr1Chris M. Thomasson
7 Jul 24 iii`- Re: question about nullptr1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Jul 24 ii+- Re: question about nullptr1Kaz Kylheku
6 Jul 24 ii`* Re: question about nullptr69Ben Bacarisse
7 Jul 24 ii +- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
7 Jul 24 ii +- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
7 Jul 24 ii +- Re: question about nullptr1Kaz Kylheku
7 Jul 24 ii `* Re: question about nullptr65Ben Bacarisse
7 Jul 24 ii  +* Re: question about nullptr37Keith Thompson
8 Jul 24 ii  i+- Re: question about nullptr1Janis Papanagnou
8 Jul 24 ii  i+* Re: question about nullptr27Michael S
8 Jul 24 ii  ii+* Re: question about nullptr12Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jul 24 ii  iii`* Re: question about nullptr11Michael S
9 Jul 24 ii  iii `* Re: question about nullptr10Tim Rentsch
9 Jul 24 ii  iii  +* Re: question about nullptr6Thiago Adams
9 Jul 24 ii  iii  i+* Re: question about nullptr3Tim Rentsch
9 Jul 24 ii  iii  ii`* Re: question about nullptr2Thiago Adams
9 Jul 24 ii  iii  ii `- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
9 Jul 24 ii  iii  i`* Re: question about nullptr2Kaz Kylheku
10 Jul 24 ii  iii  i `- Re: question about nullptr1Thiago Adams
9 Jul 24 ii  iii  `* Re: question about nullptr3Michael S
9 Jul 24 ii  iii   +- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
9 Jul 24 ii  iii   `- Re: question about nullptr1David Brown
9 Jul 24 ii  ii+* Re: question about nullptr4Kaz Kylheku
9 Jul 24 ii  iii`* Re: question about nullptr3Michael S
9 Jul 24 ii  iii +- Re: question about nullptr1Kaz Kylheku
9 Jul 24 ii  iii `- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
9 Jul 24 ii  ii`* Re: question about nullptr10Tim Rentsch
9 Jul 24 ii  ii `* Re: question about nullptr9Keith Thompson
9 Jul 24 ii  ii  +- Re: question about nullptr1Chris M. Thomasson
10 Jul 24 ii  ii  `* Re: question about nullptr7Tim Rentsch
10 Jul 24 ii  ii   `* Re: question about nullptr6Keith Thompson
10 Jul 24 ii  ii    +* Re: question about nullptr3James Kuyper
13 Aug 24 ii  ii    i`* Re: question about nullptr2Tim Rentsch
13 Aug 24 ii  ii    i `- Re: question about nullptr1Keith Thompson
13 Aug 24 ii  ii    `* Re: question about nullptr2Tim Rentsch
13 Aug 24 ii  ii     `- Re: question about nullptr1Keith Thompson
8 Jul 24 ii  i+- Re: question about nullptr1Keith Thompson
9 Jul 24 ii  i`* Re: question about nullptr7Andrey Tarasevich
9 Jul 24 ii  i +* Re: question about nullptr2Andrey Tarasevich
11 Jul 24 ii  i i`- Re: question about nullptr1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
9 Jul 24 ii  i `* Re: question about nullptr4Keith Thompson
10 Jul 24 ii  i  `* Re: question about nullptr3Tim Rentsch
10 Jul 24 ii  i   `* Re: question about nullptr2Keith Thompson
12 Aug 24 ii  i    `- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
8 Jul 24 ii  `* Re: question about nullptr27Ben Bacarisse
8 Jul 24 ii   +* Re: question about nullptr24Kaz Kylheku
8 Jul 24 ii   i+* Re: question about nullptr22Janis Papanagnou
8 Jul 24 ii   ii+* Re: question about nullptr19Ben Bacarisse
8 Jul 24 ii   iii+* Re: question about nullptr12Janis Papanagnou
8 Jul 24 ii   iiii`* Re: question about nullptr11Ben Bacarisse
8 Jul 24 ii   iiii `* Re: question about nullptr10Janis Papanagnou
8 Jul 24 ii   iiii  `* Re: question about nullptr9Ben Bacarisse
10 Jul 24 ii   iiii   `* Re: question about nullptr8Janis Papanagnou
11 Jul 24 ii   iiii    `* Re: question about nullptr7Ben Bacarisse
12 Jul 24 ii   iiii     `* Re: question about nullptr6Janis Papanagnou
13 Jul 24 ii   iiii      +* Re: question about nullptr3Ben Bacarisse
13 Jul 24 ii   iiii      i`* Re: question about nullptr2Janis Papanagnou
15 Jul 24 ii   iiii      i `- Re: question about nullptr1Ben Bacarisse
13 Jul 24 ii   iiii      +- Re: question about nullptr1Janis Papanagnou
17 Jul 24 ii   iiii      `- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
9 Jul 24 ii   iii`* Re: question about nullptr6Kaz Kylheku
9 Jul 24 ii   iii +- Re: question about nullptr1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jul 24 ii   iii `* Re: question about nullptr4Ben Bacarisse
11 Jul 24 ii   iii  `* Re: question about nullptr3Chris M. Thomasson
11 Jul 24 ii   iii   `* Re: question about nullptr2Ben Bacarisse
11 Jul 24 ii   iii    `- Re: question about nullptr1Chris M. Thomasson
11 Jul 24 ii   ii`* Re: question about nullptr2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
12 Jul 24 ii   ii `- Re: question about nullptr1Janis Papanagnou
8 Jul 24 ii   i`- Re: question about nullptr1Richard Damon
8 Jul 24 ii   `* Re: question about nullptr2James Kuyper
9 Jul 24 ii    `- Re: question about nullptr1Kaz Kylheku
6 Jul 24 i+* Re: question about nullptr4bart
7 Jul 24 ii`* Re: question about nullptr3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
7 Jul 24 ii +- Re: question about nullptr1Keith Thompson
7 Jul 24 ii `- Re: question about nullptr1bart
12 Jul 24 i`* Re: question about nullptr13Richard Harnden
12 Jul 24 i +* Re: question about nullptr4Kaz Kylheku
13 Jul 24 i i`* Re: question about nullptr3Kaz Kylheku
13 Jul 24 i i +- Re: question about nullptr1James Kuyper
13 Jul 24 i i `- Re: question about nullptr1Keith Thompson
14 Jul 24 i +- Re: question about nullptr1Tim Rentsch
15 Jul 24 i `* Re: question about nullptr7Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Jul 24 `* Re: question about nullptr18Richard Damon

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