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On 11/07/2024 12:04, bart wrote:On 11/07/2024 09:54, Michael S wrote:No.No, it isn't.>
If [in C] it was possible to pass arrays to functions, either by value
or by reference, then callee would know the length of passed array. As
it is, callee does not know it.The length can be passed in a separate parameter, but then it does not>
have to be the same as an original.
That's rather specious. In my language (probably in C too), most passed arrays are unbounded, allowing the same function to work with arrays of different sizes.
So that would need a separate Length parameter, even using by-reference.
Like any object, an array has data, and characteristics including the type of the elements, and for an array, the length of the array. If you pass an object, by reference or by value, the receiver (function parameter, or caller if we are talking about return values) gets the characteristics as well as the data.
In C, if you write code that looks a bit like it is passing an array, the object's characteristics don't follow along with itIf the original array has type T[N], then the T is passed, but the N is lost. The [] is also lost:; it turns into *. But in C, that doesn't matter too much; it can still index that object!
- therefore you are not passing the array. If in your language, the characteristics also do not follow, as part of the parameter, then your language cannot pass arrays either.If the original type is [N]T, then all 3 of those characteristics are accessible in the callee, and are characteristics of both the type, and the parameter name:
If you need to have a separate manual length parameter, then your language is doing the same as C - you are passing a pointer by value without the full object information.This was the problem with the original Pascal: arrays of different fixed sizes were strictly different types. You couldn't write a function that took either an int[10] or int[20], or some array allocated at runtime.
So perhaps your confusion here lies in a misunderstanding of how arrays as passed in your own language, and you have carried that confusion over to C.Actually my language has a much tidier and more orthogonal type system, and there are no discontinuities such as expressions suddenly decaying to pointers whenever they threaten to yield an array type.
A slice is presumably an object that encapsulates a pointer to data and size information - a struct. It might give a nice syntax in your language, but it is a different concept entirely.It combines the A and N parameters commonly passed to functions, into a composite object. It is not entirely different!
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