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On 11/07/2024 13:22, bart wrote:
If the original array has type T[N], then the T is passed, but the N is lost. The [] is also lost:; it turns into *. But in C, that doesn't matter too much; it can still index that object!
Not it isn't. The fact that I can do this:(Here I'm talking about info attached to the parameter name; the type itself may still have that N. Have I mentioned that C is mess?)You've mentioned very clearly that your understanding of C is a mess. C itself is quite simple here,
and the rules are not hard to understand.Ha ha ha! Of course you would say that. Let me try that same example:
I'm defining a fixed-size array of 4 ints. It can be passed to a function expecting exactly that type, OR to a function expecting an unbounded array (OR to a function expecting a slice of 'int').type T = [4]intThat is completely different. Your language has a way to attach the size of an array into a type, and the characteristics follow that type declared in the function prototype. That's fine, but it is a different thing entirely from saying that it is passed with the array itself. What you are doing here is much the same as wrapping a C array in a struct and passing that (as a value).
Oh, what makes you say that?Here my language uses the type []T (or [0]T). The empty bounds serve rhe same purpose as void* type: they will match any array bounds.OK, so you do the same as C but with a different syntax. Presumably you think your syntax is vastly nicer than that of C, and will get your knickers in a twist if anyone says differently, but "niceness" is a matter of opinion.
You are still not passing indefinitely sized arrays by reference.
I haven't mentioned syntax at all. I've talked about type systems and array passing, and how, when I enumerated 3 kinds of parameter passing in my language, C's parameter passing most matched either number (1) or (3) of mine depending on parameter type. (3) was pass-by-reference.>And yet, strangely, the world has been quite happy using C for half a century while I have yet to hear anyone say your language looks great.
In this case, while those 3 characteristics are still passed, the length one is not useful as it's always 0. Additional info is needed.
>So perhaps your confusion here lies in a misunderstanding of how arrays as passed in your own language, and you have carried that confusion over to C.>
Actually my language has a much tidier and more orthogonal type system, and there are no discontinuities such as expressions suddenly decaying to pointers whenever they threaten to yield an array type.
As such, it would much easier to teach, and could serve as a model against which C can be compared, and points of deviance noted.
I have some doubts that /you/ do!It combines the A and N parameters commonly passed to functions, into a composite object. It is not entirely different!Yes, it is.
This thread would be so much simpler if you knew what you were talking about, or at least accepted that other people do.
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