Re: Python Versus C

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Sujet : Re: Python Versus C
De : ldo (at) *nospam* nz.invalid (Lawrence D'Oliveiro)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 02. Aug 2024, 03:36:31
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v8hgnf$2k3mm$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Pan/0.159 (Vovchansk; )
There are so many cases where the idea that Python is “slower” than C
really makes no difference to anything important. It matters where the
bottleneck is in CPU performance. But let’s face it, most programs
being written will not encounter such a situation. And even when they
do, it might not be where they think it is

Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 Jul 24 * "Python is 71x Slower, Uses 75x More Energy, Than C" - YouTube4Lynn McGuire
31 Jul 24 +- Re: "Python is 71x Slower, Uses 75x More Energy, Than C" - YouTube1Bart
2 Aug 24 +- Re: Python Versus C1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
3 Aug 24 `- Re: "Python is 71x Slower, Uses 75x More Energy, Than C" - YouTube1Paul

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