Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?

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Sujet : Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?
De : bc (at) *nospam* (Bart)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 19. Aug 2024, 12:29:49
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v9vabe$2rk2q$>
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On 19/08/2024 02:30, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
Bart <> writes:
On 19/08/2024 01:01, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
Bart <> writes:
You or he would have to go into more detail, such as an actual example, to
demonstrate whatever it is that you think is wrong about passing a pointer
argument by-reference.
No one has said any such thing, so I can't see how any more detail could
help.  I suspect you've lost track of the point being made.
Probably, and perhaps not just me! But I'd still quite like to know exactly
what it is that is marked as 'disallowed'.
 I don't know how to explain it any better.  If you really want to know,
maybe you could say what /you/ think was incorrectly marked as
disallowed so I can see how you were interpreting the table.
I think I already said that several times!
But I need to use concrete code, and there is no existing mainstream language with pass-by-reference that is simple enough to use for such examples. Except for mine and that is not acceptable here.
So I'll use an extended C where a '&' in front of a parameter's base-type marks it as pass-by-reference.
First an example written in standard C:
   #include <stdio.h>
   void F(int* p) {
       printf("%d\n", *p);
   int main(void) {
       int A[] = {10,20,30};
       int* p = &A[0];
       printf("%d\n", *p);
This passes a normal pointer. The output is 10 10 from both printfs, because the ++p within F does not affect the original pointer in 'main'.
Now the same program, but using pass-by-reference for 'p'; I won't show the whole thing, as the program looks exactly the same except for this line:
   void F(&int* p) {
The output should now be 10 20 (as verified using my language; if interested, that is shown below, and below that is the standard C that might be generated by a transpiler from this fantasy C).
So this is passing a pointer, by reference, and it is allowed!

Or maybe, just maybe, Tim said it for good reason.
And yet, he continues to be cagey about it, and you're defending him. Just give me a freakin' example!
Just saying 'pointer argument' does not cut it.
(I'm sure this is some sort of game he's playing as he does this a lot.
Hinting at something but refusing to give details and suggesting people work it out for themselves.)
proc F(ref int &p) =
     println p^
proc main =
     static []int A = (10,20,30)
     ref int p := &A[1]
     println p^
Equivalent to:
   void F(int** p) {
       printf("%d\n", **p);
   int main(void) {
       int A[] = {10,20,30};
       int* p = &A[0];
       printf("%d\n", *p);
Also shows 10 20.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Jul 24 * technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?309aotto1968
5 Jul 24 +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?306Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jul 24 i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?305BGB
5 Jul 24 i +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Lawrence D'Oliveiro
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5 Jul 24 i +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?275Keith Thompson
5 Jul 24 i i+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jul 24 i i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?272BGB
5 Jul 24 i ii+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?18Ben Bacarisse
5 Jul 24 i iii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?17BGB
5 Jul 24 i iii +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?14Ben Bacarisse
6 Jul 24 i iii i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?9BGB
6 Jul 24 i iii ii+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2David Brown
6 Jul 24 i iii iii`- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
6 Jul 24 i iii ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?6Ben Bacarisse
7 Jul 24 i iii ii +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Keith Thompson
7 Jul 24 i iii ii i`- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Tim Rentsch
7 Jul 24 i iii ii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?3BGB
7 Jul 24 i iii ii  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2bart
7 Jul 24 i iii ii   `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
6 Jul 24 i iii i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?4Malcolm McLean
6 Jul 24 i iii i `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?3BGB
6 Jul 24 i iii i  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2bart
6 Jul 24 i iii i   `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
6 Jul 24 i iii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Janis Papanagnou
6 Jul 24 i iii  `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
5 Jul 24 i ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?253Keith Thompson
6 Jul 24 i ii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?252Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Jul 24 i ii  +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?236BGB
6 Jul 24 i ii  i+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
6 Jul 24 i ii  i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?6James Kuyper
6 Jul 24 i ii  ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?5BGB
9 Jul 24 i ii  ii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?4David Brown
9 Jul 24 i ii  ii  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?3Michael S
9 Jul 24 i ii  ii   +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1David Brown
9 Jul 24 i ii  ii   `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
6 Jul 24 i ii  i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?228Keith Thompson
7 Jul 24 i ii  i +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?223BGB
7 Jul 24 i ii  i i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?222James Kuyper
7 Jul 24 i ii  i i `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?221BGB
8 Jul 24 i ii  i i  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?220James Kuyper
8 Jul 24 i ii  i i   `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?219Kaz Kylheku
8 Jul 24 i ii  i i    +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
8 Jul 24 i ii  i i    +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Ben Bacarisse
8 Jul 24 i ii  i i    +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?215James Kuyper
8 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?214BGB
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?213David Brown
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?205bart
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?202Ben Bacarisse
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?201bart
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?192Ben Bacarisse
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?3BGB
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Ben Bacarisse
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii ii `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?188bart
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Tim Rentsch
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?186Ben Bacarisse
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?185bart
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i   `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?184Ben Bacarisse
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Thiago Adams
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?175bart
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    i+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Janis Papanagnou
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?54Tim Rentsch
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?14Michael S
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iii+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?8David Brown
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iiii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?7Michael S
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iiii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?6Kaz Kylheku
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iiii  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?5Michael S
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iiii   +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Kaz Kylheku
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iiii   +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1bart
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iiii   +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1David Brown
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iiii   `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Ben Bacarisse
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iii+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Kaz Kylheku
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?4Tim Rentsch
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?3BGB
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iii  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Tim Rentsch
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    iii   `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?39bart
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?37Michael S
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?34bart
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Michael S
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?32Tim Rentsch
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?31bart
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii  +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Tim Rentsch
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii  i`- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1bart
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?28Keith Thompson
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii   `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?27bart
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?25Keith Thompson
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?15bart
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?14David Brown
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?12bart
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii i+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Janis Papanagnou
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?7David Brown
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii ii`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?6bart
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii ii +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2bart
13 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii ii i`- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1David Brown
13 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii ii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?3David Brown
17 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii ii  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Bart
17 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii ii   `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1David Brown
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?3Keith Thompson
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii i `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2James Kuyper
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    ii `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1BGB
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?9bart
12 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii ii    `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Thiago Adams
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii i+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Keith Thompson
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii i`- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1James Kuyper
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    ii `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Tim Rentsch
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    i+* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2James Kuyper
11 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    i`* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?117Ben Bacarisse
10 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii i    `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?7Janis Papanagnou
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  ii `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?8Kaz Kylheku
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  i+- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1David Brown
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  i`- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Keith Thompson
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  +- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Michael S
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    i  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?6BGB
9 Jul 24 i ii  i i    `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Tim Rentsch
10 Jul 24 i ii  i `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
6 Jul 24 i ii  +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?9James Kuyper
6 Jul 24 i ii  `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?6Keith Thompson
6 Jul 24 i i`- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
5 Jul 24 i +* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?26bart
5 Jul 24 i `- Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?1lexi hale
7 Jul 24 `* Re: technology discussion → does the world need a "new" C ?2Bonita Montero

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