Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere

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Sujet : Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere
De : fir (at) *nospam* (fir)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 27. Aug 2024, 12:56:47
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fir wrote:
10'  print((x 0)++)
where x 0 is initialisation of int x to zero
overally not bad, i could somewhat accept that loop
(yu wouldnt belive how hard is come to that syntax conclusions,
literally takes years, and not 5 years more like 15)
one of the worst things is find good function definition
but at least this 10' loop proves consciencity or
how it is caled (being short) its possible
right now i think if function maybe shouldnt note ret values in header (?)
this is by analogy for structure
s {}  is structure and f {} is function
(its the same bcouse structure can have data fields and function can
have code elements - they bot may have mix
so if so if
s { float x,y,z } not return values so function maybe also should not
tyopu will nedd a keyword in function body though like res/result or return
s { result float x,y,z }
it could also define something like input maybe
s { input int a; result int b; } x;
x = 19; //comes into e
int y = x; //b comes here
s { input int a; b=0a; result int b; } x;
print( x(80)) //outs -80
i dont know if this is reasonable
also idea is to maybe turn "int" and "float " into runes
int should be "runic" I and float should be runic F
foo(int a, int b, float c) {}
can be written
foo aI bI cF {}
where I F are not normal but runic - this makes pleasant short and
clarifies things but im not sure if this is finally godd - but worth consideration

Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 Aug 24 * on allowing "int a" definition everywhere62fir
20 Aug 24 +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere24Thiago Adams
20 Aug 24 i+* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere4fir
20 Aug 24 ii+- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1fir
20 Aug 24 ii`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2Thiago Adams
20 Aug 24 ii `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1fir
21 Aug 24 i`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere19Blue-Maned_Hawk
21 Aug 24 i `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere18Thiago Adams
21 Aug 24 i  +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere4Bart
21 Aug 24 i  i`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere3Thiago Adams
21 Aug 24 i  i `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2Michael S
21 Aug 24 i  i  `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Thiago Adams
22 Aug 24 i  `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere13Blue-Maned_Hawk
22 Aug 24 i   +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere5Keith Thompson
22 Aug 24 i   i`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere4Ben Bacarisse
22 Aug 24 i   i +- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Keith Thompson
22 Aug 24 i   i `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2Kaz Kylheku
23 Aug 24 i   i  `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Ben Bacarisse
22 Aug 24 i   `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere7Bart
22 Aug 24 i    +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2Thiago Adams
22 Aug 24 i    i`- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Blue-Maned_Hawk
23 Aug 24 i    `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere4fir
23 Aug 24 i     `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere3Bart
23 Aug 24 i      `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2fir
23 Aug 24 i       `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1fir
21 Aug 24 `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere37Lawrence D'Oliveiro
21 Aug 24  +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2Ben Bacarisse
21 Aug 24  i`- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Ben Bacarisse
25 Aug 24  `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere34fir
27 Aug 24   `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere33Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 Aug 24    +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere21fir
27 Aug 24    i`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere20fir
27 Aug 24    i `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere19fir
27 Aug 24    i  +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere3fir
27 Aug 24    i  i`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2fir
27 Aug 24    i  i `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1fir
27 Aug 24    i  `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere15fir
27 Aug 24    i   +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere13fir
27 Aug 24    i   i+* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere9Bart
27 Aug 24    i   ii+* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere3fir
27 Aug 24    i   iii`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2fir
27 Aug 24    i   iii `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1fir
2 Sep 24    i   ii`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere5Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2 Sep 24    i   ii `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere4Bart
3 Sep 24    i   ii  `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere3Lawrence D'Oliveiro
3 Sep 24    i   ii   +- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Kaz Kylheku
3 Sep 24    i   ii   `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Michael S
27 Aug 24    i   i`* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere3fir
29 Aug 24    i   i `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2fir
29 Aug 24    i   i  `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1fir
3 Sep 24    i   `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Lawrence D'Oliveiro
27 Aug 24    `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere11Blue-Maned_Hawk
28 Aug 24     `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere10Tim Rentsch
28 Aug 24      `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere9Keith Thompson
28 Aug 24       +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2Ben Bacarisse
28 Aug 24       i`- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Tim Rentsch
28 Aug 24       +* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere2Tim Rentsch
28 Aug 24       i`- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Keith Thompson
28 Aug 24       `* Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere4Tim Rentsch
28 Aug 24        +- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1David Brown
28 Aug 24        +- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1James Kuyper
28 Aug 24        `- Re: on allowing "int a" definition everywhere1Keith Thompson

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