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Well, I had 48KB ZX Spectrum. On it I could run Hisoft Pascal,That's bringing back memories - I too had these languages for my Spectrum. IIRC FIG-Forth had an editor that had almost illegible half-width characters to get more characters per line.
Hisoft C, FIG-Forth and other things. At that time I had some
knowledge of C but really did not understand it. Hisoft C gave
me similar speed to Hisoft Pascal, had less features (C lacked
floating point) and needed more memory. FIG-Forth needed very
little memory but execution speed was significantly worse than
Pascal. And my programs were small. Some my programs needed
enough momory for data, but one could write a compiled progam
to the tape and run it from the tape. So I mostly used Pascal.
But that could be different with less memory (compiler would
not run on 16kB Spectrum, FIG-Forth would be happy on it) or
with bigger programs.
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