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On 04/11/2024 15:06, fir wrote:probably swich is implemented likefir wrote:>Bart wrote:note in fact both array usage like tab[5] and fuunction call like foo()On 04/11/2024 04:00, Tim Rentsch wrote:>fir <> writes:>
>Tim Rentsch wrote:>>With the understanding that I am offering more than my own opinion,>
I can say that I might use any of the patterns mentioned, depending
on circumstances. I don't think any one approach is either always
right or always wrong.
maybe, but some may heve some strong arguments (for use this and not
that) i may overlook
I acknowledge the point, but you haven't gotten any arguments,
only opinions.
Pretty much everything about PL design is somebody's opinion.
overally when you think and discuss such thing some conclusions may do
appear - and often soem do for me, though they are not always very clear
or 'hard'
overally from this thread i noted that switch (which i already dont
liked) is bad.. note those two elements of switch it is "switch"
and "Case" are in weird not obvious relation in c (and what will it
work when you mix it etc)
what i concluded was than if you do thing such way
a { } //this is analogon to case - named block
b { } //this is analogon to case - named block
n() // here by "()" i noted call of some wariable that mey yeild
'call' to a ,b, c, d, e, f //(in that case na would be soem enum or
c( ) //this is analogon to case - named block
d( ) //this is analogon to case - named block
then everything is clear - this call just selects and calls block , and
block itself are just definitions and are skipped in execution until
this is example of some conclusion for me from thsi thread - and i think
such codes as this my own initial example should be probably done such
way (though it is not c, i know
are analogues to swich case - as when you call fuctions the call is
like switch and function definition sets are 'cases'
Yes, switch could be implemented via a table of label pointers, but it
needs a GNU extension.
For example this switch:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
switch(i) {
case 7: case 2: puts("two or seven"); break;
case 5: puts("five"); break;
default: puts("other");
Could also be written like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
void* table[] = {
&&Lother, &&Lother, &&L27, &&Lother, &&Lother, &&L5,
&&Lother, &&L27, &&Lother, &&Lother};
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
goto *table[i];
L27: puts("two or seven"); goto Lend;
L5: puts("five"); goto Lend;
Lother: puts("other");
(A compiler may generate something like this, although it will be
range-checked if need. In practice, small numbers of cases, or where the
case values are too spread out, might be implemented as if-else chains.)
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