Re: else ladders practice

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Sujet : Re: else ladders practice
De : bc (at) *nospam* (Bart)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 20. Nov 2024, 01:16:50
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On 19/11/2024 22:40, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
Bart <> wrote:

It is related: both gcc anf LLVM are doing analyses that in the
past were deemed inpracticaly expensive (both in time and in space).
Those analyses work now thanks to smart algorithms that
significantly reduced resource usage.  I know that you consider
this too expensive.
How long would LLVM take to compile itself on one core? (Here I'm not even sure what LLVM is; it you download the binary, it's about 2.5GB, but a typical LLVM compiler might 100+ MB. But I guess it will be while in either case.)
I have product now that is like a mini-LLVM backend. It can build into a standalone library of under 0.2MB, which can directy produce EXEs, or it can interpret. Building that product from scratch takes 60ms.
That is my kind of product

What's the context of this 0.1 seconds? Do you consider it long or short?
 Context is interactive response.  It means "pretty fast for interactive
It's less than the time to press and release the Enter key.

My tools can generally build my apps from scratch in 0.1 seconds; big
compilers tend to take a lot longer. Only Tiny C is in that ballpark.
So I'm failing to see your point here. Maybe you picked up that 0.1
seconds from an earlier post of mine and are suggesting I ought to be
able to do a lot more analysis within that time?
 This 0.1s is old thing.  My point is that if you are compiling simple
change, than you should be able to do more in this time.  In normal
developement source file bigger than 10000 lines are relatively
rare, so once you get in range of 50000-100000 lines per second
making compiler faster is of marginal utility.
I *AM* doing more in that time! It just happens to be stuff you appear to have no interest in:
* I write whole-program compilers: you always process all source files of an application. The faster the compiler, the bigger the scale of app it becomes practical on.
* That means no headaches with dependencies (it goes in hand with a decent module scheme)
* I can change one tiny corner of a the program, say add an /optional/ argument to a function, which requires compiling all call-sites across the program, and the next compilation will take care of everything
* If I were to do more with optimisation (there is lots that can be done without getting into the heavy stuff), it automatically applies to the whole program
* I can choose to run applications from source code, without generating discrete binary files, just like a script language
* I can choose (with my new backend) to interpret programs in this static language. (Interpretation gives better debugging opportunities)
* I don't need to faff around with object files or linkers
Module-based independent compilation and having to link 'object files' is stone-age stuff.

We clearly differ in question of what is routine.  Creating usable
executable is rare task, once executable is created it can be used
for long time.  OTOH developement is routine and for this one wants
to know if a change is correct.
I take it then that you have some other way of doing test runs of a program without creating an executable?
It's difficult to tell from your comments.

Already simple thing would be an improvement: make compiler aware of
error routine (if you do not have it add one) so that when you
signal error compiler will know that there is no need for normal
return value.
OK, but what does that buy me? Saving a few bytes for a return instruction in a function? My largest program, which is 0.4MB, already only occupies 0.005% of the machines 8GB.

Which is not going to be part of a routine build.
 In a sense build is not routine.  Build is done for two purposes:
- to install working system from sources, that includes
- to check that build works properly after changes, this also
   should check documentaion build.
 Normal developement goes without rebuilding the system.
We must be talking at cross-purposes then.
Either you're developing using interpreted code, or you must have some means of converting source code to native code, but for some reason you don't use 'compile' or 'build' to describe that process.
Or maybe your REPL/incremental process can run for days doing incremental changes without doing a full compile. It seems quite mysterious.
I might run my compiler hundreds of times a day (at 0.1 seconds a time, 600 builds would occupy one whole minute in the day!). I often do it for frivolous purposes, such as trying to get some output lined up just right. Or just to make sure something has been recompiled since it's so quick it's hard to tell.

 I know.  But this is not what I do.  Build produces mutiple
artifacts, some of them executable, some are loadable code (but _not_
in form recogized by operating system), some essentially non-executable
(like documentation).
So, 'build' means something different to you. I use 'build' just as a change from writing 'compile'.

This sounds like a REPL system. There, each line is a new part of the
program which is processed, executed and discarded.
 First, I am writing about two different systems.  Both have REPL.
Lines typed at REPL are "discarded", but their effect may last
long time.
My last big app used a compiled core but most user-facing functionality was done using an add-on script language. This meant I could develop such modules from within a working application, which provided a rich, persistent environment.
Changes to the core program required a rebuild and a restart.
However the whole thing was an application, not a language.

What happens if you change the type of a global; are you saying that
none of the program codes needs revising?
 In typed system there are no global "library" variables, all data
is encapsulated in modules and normally accessed in abstract way,
by calling apropriate functions.  So, in "clean" code you
can recompile a single module and the whole system works.
I used module-at-time compilation until 10-12 years ago. The module scheme had to be upgraded at the same time, but it took several goes to get it right.
Now I wouldn't go back. Who cares about compiling a single module that may or may not affect a bunch of others? Just compile the lot!
If a project's scale becomes too big, then it should be split into independent program units, for example a core EXE file and a bunch of DLLs; that's the new granularity. Or a lot of functionality can be off-loaded to scripts, as I used to do.
(My scripting language code still needs bytecode compilation, and I also use whole-program units there, but the bytecode compiler goes up to 2Mlps.)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 Oct 24 * else ladders practice255fir
31 Oct 24 +* Re: else ladders practice9Anton Shepelev
31 Oct 24 i+- Re: else ladders practice1fir
31 Oct 24 i`* Re: else ladders practice7James Kuyper
1 Nov 24 i `* Re: else ladders practice6David Brown
2 Nov 24 i  +* Re: else ladders practice2James Kuyper
2 Nov 24 i  i`- Re: else ladders practice1David Brown
2 Nov 24 i  `* Re: else ladders practice3fir
2 Nov 24 i   +- Re: else ladders practice1David Brown
2 Nov 24 i   `- Re: else ladders practice1James Kuyper
31 Oct 24 +* Re: else ladders practice5Richard Harnden
31 Oct 24 i+* Re: else ladders practice3fir
31 Oct 24 ii`* Re: else ladders practice2fir
31 Oct 24 ii `- Re: else ladders practice1fir
31 Oct 24 i`- Re: else ladders practice1Bonita Montero
31 Oct 24 +* Re: else ladders practice22Dan Purgert
31 Oct 24 i+* Re: else ladders practice3fir
31 Oct 24 ii`* Re: else ladders practice2Dan Purgert
31 Oct 24 ii `- Re: else ladders practice1fir
16 Nov 24 i`* Re: else ladders practice18Stefan Ram
16 Nov 24 i +* Re: else ladders practice5Bart
16 Nov 24 i i`* Re: else ladders practice4David Brown
19 Nov 24 i i `* Re: else ladders practice3Janis Papanagnou
19 Nov 24 i i  +- Re: else ladders practice1David Brown
19 Nov 24 i i  `- Re: else ladders practice1Michael S
16 Nov 24 i +* Re: else ladders practice3James Kuyper
19 Nov 24 i i`* Re: else ladders practice2Janis Papanagnou
30 Nov 24 i i `- Re: else ladders practice1Tim Rentsch
16 Nov 24 i +* Re: else ladders practice2Lew Pitcher
17 Nov 24 i i`- Re: else ladders practice1Tim Rentsch
20 Nov 24 i +* Re: else ladders practice3Dan Purgert
30 Nov 24 i i`* Re: else ladders practice2Rosario19
5 Dec 24 i i `- Re: else ladders practice1Dan Purgert
1 Dec 24 i `* Re: else ladders practice4Waldek Hebisch
1 Dec 24 i  `* Re: else ladders practice3Janis Papanagnou
1 Dec 24 i   `* Re: else ladders practice2Waldek Hebisch
2 Dec 24 i    `- Re: else ladders practice1Janis Papanagnou
31 Oct 24 +- Re: else ladders practice1Janis Papanagnou
31 Oct 24 `* Re: else ladders practice217Bart
1 Nov 24  `* Re: else ladders practice216fir
1 Nov 24   +* Re: else ladders practice198Bart
1 Nov 24   i+* Re: else ladders practice196fir
1 Nov 24   ii`* Re: else ladders practice195Bart
1 Nov 24   ii `* Re: else ladders practice194fir
1 Nov 24   ii  `* Re: else ladders practice193fir
1 Nov 24   ii   `* Re: else ladders practice192Bart
1 Nov 24   ii    `* Re: else ladders practice191David Brown
1 Nov 24   ii     `* Re: else ladders practice190Bart
1 Nov 24   ii      `* Re: else ladders practice189David Brown
1 Nov 24   ii       `* Re: else ladders practice188Bart
2 Nov 24   ii        `* Re: else ladders practice187David Brown
2 Nov 24   ii         `* Re: else ladders practice186Bart
2 Nov 24   ii          +- Re: else ladders practice1Tim Rentsch
3 Nov 24   ii          +* Re: else ladders practice4fir
3 Nov 24   ii          i`* Re: else ladders practice3Bart
3 Nov 24   ii          i `* Re: else ladders practice2fir
3 Nov 24   ii          i  `- Re: else ladders practice1fir
3 Nov 24   ii          +* Re: else ladders practice4fir
3 Nov 24   ii          i`* Re: else ladders practice3Bart
3 Nov 24   ii          i `* Re: else ladders practice2fir
3 Nov 24   ii          i  `- Re: else ladders practice1fir
3 Nov 24   ii          +* Re: else ladders practice35David Brown
3 Nov 24   ii          i+- Re: else ladders practice1Kaz Kylheku
3 Nov 24   ii          i+* Re: else ladders practice23Bart
4 Nov 24   ii          ii+* Re: else ladders practice21David Brown
4 Nov 24   ii          iii`* Re: else ladders practice20Bart
4 Nov 24   ii          iii +* Re: else ladders practice2David Brown
5 Nov 24   ii          iii i`- Re: else ladders practice1Bart
4 Nov 24   ii          iii `* Re: else ladders practice17David Brown
5 Nov 24   ii          iii  +* Re: else ladders practice2Bart
5 Nov 24   ii          iii  i`- Re: else ladders practice1David Brown
6 Nov 24   ii          iii  +* Re: else ladders practice5Bart
6 Nov 24   ii          iii  i`* Re: else ladders practice4David Brown
6 Nov 24   ii          iii  i `* Re: else ladders practice3Bart
7 Nov 24   ii          iii  i  `* Re: else ladders practice2David Brown
7 Nov 24   ii          iii  i   `- Re: else ladders practice1Bart
9 Nov 24   ii          iii  `* Re: else ladders practice9Janis Papanagnou
9 Nov 24   ii          iii   `* Re: else ladders practice8David Brown
10 Nov 24   ii          iii    `* Re: else ladders practice7Janis Papanagnou
10 Nov 24   ii          iii     `* Re: else ladders practice6David Brown
19 Nov 24   ii          iii      `* Re: else ladders practice5Janis Papanagnou
19 Nov 24   ii          iii       `* Re: else ladders practice4David Brown
19 Nov 24   ii          iii        `* Re: else ladders practice3Janis Papanagnou
19 Nov 24   ii          iii         `* Re: else ladders practice2David Brown
20 Nov 24   ii          iii          `- Re: else ladders practice1Janis Papanagnou
9 Nov 24   ii          ii`- Re: else ladders practice1Janis Papanagnou
8 Nov 24   ii          i+* Re: else ladders practice9Janis Papanagnou
8 Nov 24   ii          ii+* Re: else ladders practice4David Brown
9 Nov 24   ii          iii`* Re: else ladders practice3Janis Papanagnou
9 Nov 24   ii          iii `* Re: else ladders practice2David Brown
10 Nov 24   ii          iii  `- Re: else ladders practice1Janis Papanagnou
8 Nov 24   ii          ii`* Re: else ladders practice4Bart
9 Nov 24   ii          ii `* Re: else ladders practice3Janis Papanagnou
9 Nov 24   ii          ii  `* Re: else ladders practice2Bart
10 Nov 24   ii          ii   `- Re: else ladders practice1Janis Papanagnou
8 Nov 24   ii          i`- Re: else ladders practice1Bart
5 Nov 24   ii          `* Re: else ladders practice141Waldek Hebisch
5 Nov 24   ii           +- Re: else ladders practice1fir
5 Nov 24   ii           +* Re: else ladders practice24David Brown
5 Nov 24   ii           i+* Re: else ladders practice17Waldek Hebisch
5 Nov 24   ii           ii`* Re: else ladders practice16David Brown
5 Nov 24   ii           i`* Re: else ladders practice6Bart
5 Nov 24   ii           `* Re: else ladders practice115Bart
1 Nov 24   i`- Re: else ladders practice1fir
2 Nov 24   `* Re: else ladders practice17Tim Rentsch

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