Re: what inline means?

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Sujet : Re: what inline means?
De : thiago.adams (at) *nospam* (Thiago Adams)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 25. Nov 2024, 03:23:49
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vi0n3l$2fssm$>
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Em 11/24/2024 3:39 PM, fir escreveu:
Thiago Adams pisze:
My current thoughts.
  - if the function is not defined (no implementation) then inline will define the function.
  inline int f(){ return 1; }
  inline int f(){ return 1; } //error already defined
  - if the function is already defined somewhere then it is just a "view" of the code. (This view can be used to "inline code")
  extern int f();
  inline int f(){ return 1; } //ok
  - if a inline function is declared and not define at current file then it is a warning
inline int f();//warning
im not sure if teh question is reasonable, (not reading into it)
  inline is hint so maybe the word inline means the same as no inline?
 and probably the inline being treaten as a hint is in fact good
(depending on the system)
My question is more about the compiler perceptive. What is does?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 Nov 24 * what inline means?3Thiago Adams
24 Nov 24 `* Re: what inline means?2fir
25 Nov 24  `- Re: what inline means?1Thiago Adams

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