Re: best approach for multithreading (?)

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Sujet : Re: best approach for multithreading (?)
De : chris.m.thomasson.1 (at) *nospam* (Chris M. Thomasson)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 01. Dec 2024, 23:59:43
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12/1/2024 7:10 AM, candycanearter07 wrote:
fir <> wrote at 22:04 this Saturday (GMT):
[i wropte it soem days back then to eventually post in a place when
people can answer this but i dont get idea of such place so i post it
here for now]
tell me if you know somethin better approach for multithreading
than this
i mean i got discovered soem approach for multithreadng
(i mean scheme how it probably should be done) and i wonder
if there is something better than this (in real world)
the appriach is based on call queue and needs (at least
as a base) two keywoards 'adq' (add queue) and 'runq' (run queue)
ewentually 'runqs' (run queue sequantially) 'runqp' (run queue in
adq just adds a given adress of a function and its arguments
in queue which is close to stack, say
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
   adq__ foo(i);
foo, 0
foo, 1
foo, 2
foo, 3
foo, 4
(40 bytes if foo is 32 bit adress, and i is 32 bit int)
in ram
then runs it (iterates and runs the functions)
(both adq and runq are better implemented on language level,
though they also probably can be implemented in some library)
the thing is the runq dont need to run the things on one core
and sequentially but it can just run the queue on as many cores
as are avaliable
no problem i think if those queued calls are not conflicting one witch
another (like foo is draw_line_of_mandelbrot(i); ) but if the calls may
be somewhat conflizting (on ram writes) there is an optio to add
to addq also a number assigned to each call which will denote/mark
this call to be not conflicting witch another call if the numbers are
different and eventuallt be conflicting if the numbers are the same
(like "1")
then the cals of the same group should be run on one core in sequential
but the
other groups can each be called on its own core
i did not used multithreading more than couple of days in my life
so i know it slight but i never liked what i used to much and this
approach seem to me best of what i heard..
so is it he best approach or there is something better?
  There's a standard library for multithreading.
What about C11? ;^)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 Nov 24 * best approach for multithreading (?)23fir
1 Dec 24 +* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)20candycanearter07
1 Dec 24 i+* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)18Lew Pitcher
1 Dec 24 ii`* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)17Kaz Kylheku
2 Dec 24 ii `* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)16Chris M. Thomasson
3 Dec 24 ii  `* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)15Kaz Kylheku
3 Dec 24 ii   +- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Chris M. Thomasson
6 Dec 24 ii   `* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)13James Kuyper
6 Dec 24 ii    +* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)11Kaz Kylheku
6 Dec 24 ii    i+- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Kaz Kylheku
7 Dec 24 ii    i`* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)9James Kuyper
7 Dec 24 ii    i +- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Chris M. Thomasson
7 Dec 24 ii    i +- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Tim Rentsch
8 Dec 24 ii    i `* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)6Kaz Kylheku
8 Dec 24 ii    i  +* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)4Chris M. Thomasson
8 Dec 24 ii    i  i`* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)3Kaz Kylheku
9 Dec 24 ii    i  i +- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Dec 24 ii    i  i `- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Dec 24 ii    i  `- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Waldek Hebisch
6 Dec 24 ii    `- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Chris M. Thomasson
1 Dec 24 i`- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1Chris M. Thomasson
2 Dec 24 `* Re: best approach for multithreading (?)2Bonita Montero
3 Dec 24  `- Re: best approach for multithreading (?)1fir

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