Re: question about linker

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Sujet : Re: question about linker
De : Keith.S.Thompson+u (at) *nospam* (Keith Thompson)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 05. Dec 2024, 01:19:59
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Bart <> writes:
On 04/12/2024 22:58, Keith Thompson wrote:
Bart <> writes:
OK, if it's so simple, explain it to me.
I'll pretend that was a sincere question.
Let's put it this way: if somebody asked me what the rule was, I
wouldn't be able to tell them.

Probably because there's no single rule.  As I wrote, "{" and "}"
are used in different contexts with different meanings.  (So are
"(", ")", ";", and "static".)  I have no particular expectation
that there should be a single rule covering all the cases, just
because they happen to use the same symbol.

A reasonable person would have ackowledged that I've at least tried
to answer your question.

You seem to be under the impression that a closing brace should
either always or never be followed by a semicolon.  I don't know
where you got that idea.
Braces ("{", "}") are used in different contexts with different
meanings.  They're generally used for some kind of grouping (of
statements, declarations, initializers), but the distinct uses are
distinct, and there's no particular reason for them to follow the
same rules.
Apparently the first line here needs a semicolon after }, the second
   int X[1] = {0};
   void Y() {}
Yes.  The first is a declaration, and a declaration requires a
semicolon.  I suppose the language could have a special-case rule
that if a declaration happens to end with a "}", the semicolon is
not required, but that would be silly.
The second is a function definition (and can only appear at file
scope).  Function definitions do not require or allow a semicolon
after the closing "}".  Why should they?
Consistency? I posted a bit of Algol68 the other day; each function
definition needed a semicolon, to separate it from the next.

C is not Algol68.  In C, the syntax of a function definition is such
that they can be appended without ambiguity.  Requiring a semicolon
after each definition would not help anything.  And it would break
most existing C code.

Similarly here:
   if (x) y;
   if (x) {}
"Because that's what the grammar says" isn't a valid answer.
Because that's what the grammar says.
Not all statements require a closing semicolon.  In particular,
compound statements do not, likely because the closing
"}" unambiguously marks the end of the statement.  Sure, the
language could have been specified to require a semicolon, but why?
Consistency again? But then you'd get this: if () {}; else {};. It
would be incompatible with how it works now.

So there's a good reason for the current definition.

So overall it's just messy. It works for BEGIN/END when semicolon is a
separator, rather than a terminator. So you write END ELSE not END;
But because C uses ";" as a terminator, it's made a rod for its own back.

The solution (for programmers) is simple.  Don't add a ";" after the
closing "}" of a compound statement.  You *can* add the ";" in some
cases, but there's no point in doing so.

(I'll note that languages that use "begin"/"end" rather than "{"/"}"
often require a semicolon after the "end".)
That's my A68 example.
And you can add a semicolon after a compound statement if you like
(it's a null statement),
But not here I guess:  if () {}; else ...

You're right, I missed that case.

Of course you know all this.
I'm aware of how messy and conistent it is. I've said that languages
that use ";" as a separator probably fair better, but are still not
ideal because the last statement of a block is now an annoying special

No, I'm saying that you already know what the rules are.  You have
access to multiple C (draft) standards and books.  You've written a C
compiler yourself.  I honestly don't believe you're as confused as you
pretend to be.


Meanwhile, if I compile this:
  void F(){}; void G(){};
My compilers report a syntax error. But gcc passes it by default. So I
take what the grammar says more seriously than gcc!
IS ";" between function definitions legal or not? If not, then fail
the program.

Bart, you already know that gcc by default is relatively lax, and is in
fact not a conforming C compiler, since it fails to produce many
required diagnostics.  You've been told again and again how to invoke
gcc so that it will at least attempt to be a conforming C compiler, for
any of several editions of the C standard.  But you still pretend that
gcc's default behavior says something about the C language.

Please don't say the label is only defined to be a prefix to another
statement. I asking why it was done like that.
The label is only defined to be a prefix to another statement.
It was simple to define it that way, and not particularly
inconvenient to add a semicolon if you happen to want a label at
the end of a block.  I'd be surprised if this rule has ever actually
caused you any inconvenience.
I said that my generated code has to use ":;" after each label; it
looks weird.

I stand corrected.  The rule has caused you some trivial inconvenience.
(Apparently you care about generated code looking weird; I'd expect
weirdness to be inevitable.)

But you'll be delighted to know that C23 changed the grammar for a
compound statement, so a label can appear before any of a statement,
a declaration, or the closing "}".  So now you have exactly what you
want.  (Just kidding; you'll still find a way to be angry about it.)
No, that's amazing. Presumably, some people must complained about it
(maybe it actually caused some inconvenience!), and it eventually got
Of course, if it was just me, then it would be pointless ranting. 'How
hard is to add the semicolon?'
Well, 'How hard is it to delete the semicolon' from my above example?

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith)
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */

Date Sujet#  Auteur
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29 Nov 24     i     `* Re: question about linker329Bart
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29 Nov 24     i      +* Re: question about linker326Michael S
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30 Nov 24     i      ii i i `* Re: question about linker163Keith Thompson
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30 Nov 24     i      ii i i  i+- Re: question about linker1Keith Thompson
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3 Dec 24     i      ii i i  ii `- Re: question about linker1Tim Rentsch
1 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i`* Re: question about linker90David Brown
1 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i +* Re: question about linker88Bart
1 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i`* Re: question about linker87David Brown
1 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i `* Re: question about linker86Bart
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i  `* Re: question about linker85David Brown
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i   `* Re: question about linker84Bart
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    +* Re: question about linker78David Brown
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    i+* Re: question about linker72Janis Papanagnou
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    ii+* Re: question about linker70Bart
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iii+* Re: question about linker68David Brown
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3 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii `* Re: question about linker66David Brown
3 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  +* Re: question about linker53Bart
3 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i`* Re: question about linker52David Brown
3 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i `* Re: question about linker51Bart
4 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i  `* Re: question about linker50David Brown
4 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i   `* Re: question about linker49Bart
4 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i    `* Re: question about linker48David Brown
4 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     +* Re: question about linker24Bart
5 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i`* Re: question about linker23David Brown
5 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i +- Re: question about linker1Janis Papanagnou
5 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i `* Re: question about linker21Bart
6 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i  `* Re: question about linker20David Brown
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6 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    +* Re: question about linker5Ike Naar
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7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i+- Re: question about linker1Keith Thompson
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i`* Re: question about linker2Bart
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i `- Re: question about linker1Keith Thompson
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    +* Re: question about linker10David Brown
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i`* Re: question about linker9Bart
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i `* Re: question about linker8David Brown
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i  `* Re: question about linker7Bart
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i   `* Re: question about linker6David Brown
7 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i    `* Re: question about linker5Bart
8 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i     +* Re: question about linker3Ben Bacarisse
8 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    i     `- Re: question about linker1David Brown
8 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     i    `* Re: question about linker3Waldek Hebisch
5 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     +* Re: question about linker15Waldek Hebisch
11 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  i     `* Re: question about linker8James Kuyper
3 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iiii  `* Re: question about linker12Bart
3 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    iii`- Re: question about linker1Janis Papanagnou
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    ii`- Re: question about linker1Bart
2 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    i`* Re: question about linker5Bart
4 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i i    `* Re: question about linker5Waldek Hebisch
1 Dec 24     i      ii i i  i `- Re: question about linker1Janis Papanagnou
30 Nov 24     i      ii i i  +* Re: question about linker44Bart
30 Nov 24     i      ii i i  +- Re: question about linker1Janis Papanagnou
1 Dec 24     i      ii i i  `* Re: question about linker22David Brown
30 Nov 24     i      ii i `* Re: question about linker153David Brown
5 Dec 24     i      ii `- Re: question about linker1Tim Rentsch
30 Nov 24     i      i`* Re: question about linker2Tim Rentsch
29 Nov 24     i      `- Re: question about linker1David Brown
28 Nov 24     `* Re: question about linker4Keith Thompson

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