Re: So You Think You Can Const?

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Sujet : Re: So You Think You Can Const?
De : tr.17687 (at) *nospam* (Tim Rentsch)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 08. Jan 2025, 20:44:14
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <>
References : 1
User-Agent : Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.4 (gnu/linux)
Julio Di Egidio <> writes:

Hi everybody,
I am back to programming in C after many years:
indeed I have forgotten so many things, including
how much I love this language. :)
In particular, I am using C90, and compiling with
`gcc ... -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wextra` (as I have
the requirement to ideally support any device).

If it is absolutely necessary to have source that conforms to
C90, you should at the very least compile it (on some machine)
under both C90 rules and C99 rules.  Frankly I doubt you will
ever have a real need to target a C90-only environment, but if
you do decide to go down that path then at least also compile the
program as C99, to be sure the brokennesses of C90 don't bite

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Jan 25 * So You Think You Can Const?174Julio Di Egidio
7 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?80Kaz Kylheku
8 Jan 25 i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?79Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?77Ben Bacarisse
8 Jan 25 i  +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1David Brown
8 Jan 25 i  +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?72Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?64Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  ii+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jan 25 i  ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?62Ben Bacarisse
9 Jan 25 i  ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Kaz Kylheku
9 Jan 25 i  ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3David Brown
9 Jan 25 i  ii i +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
9 Jan 25 i  ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?54Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?53Ben Bacarisse
10 Jan 25 i  ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?46Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?44Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?43Tim Rentsch
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?38Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?36Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?34James Kuyper
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?32David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?29Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?28David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?26Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?25David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?22Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?16bart
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?15David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?7James Kuyper
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Dan Cross
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4James Kuyper
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3James Kuyper
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2David Brown
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Chris M. Thomasson
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii  +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Keith Thompson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Kenny McCormack
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i   `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Tim Rentsch
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Julio Di Egidio
18 Jan 25 i  ii i ii  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Tim Rentsch
19 Jan 25 i  ii i ii   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
20 Jan 25 i  ii i ii    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
10 Jan 25 i  ii i i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Ben Bacarisse
12 Jan 25 i  ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5Waldek Hebisch
12 Jan 25 i  ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
13 Jan 25 i  ii i i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1David Brown
15 Jan 25 i  ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i  ii`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Tim Rentsch
9 Jan 25 i  ii`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jan 25 i  i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Ben Bacarisse
9 Jan 25 i  i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Tim Rentsch
9 Jan 25 i  i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Ben Bacarisse
15 Jan 25 i  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?35David Brown
8 Jan 25 i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Ben Bacarisse
8 Jan 25 ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3David Brown
15 Jan 25 ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 ii  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i+* What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)28Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 ii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)25David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)2Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 iiii`- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)13Phillip
8 Jan 25 iiii+- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1Tim Rentsch
8 Jan 25 iiii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc?10Keith Thompson
8 Jan 25 iiiii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc?9Phillip
8 Jan 25 iiiii `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?8Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iiiii  `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?7Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   +* Re: What is wrong with malloc?4Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i+- Re: What is wrong with malloc?1Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i`* Re: What is wrong with malloc?2Michael S
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i `- Re: What is wrong with malloc?1Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?2David Brown
9 Jan 25 iiii`- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc?3Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)6Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 ii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)2James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
8 Jan 25 i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Keith Thompson
8 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?51Andrey Tarasevich
8 Jan 25 +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Tim Rentsch
13 Jan 25 +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 Jan 25 `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro

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