Re: So You Think You Can Const?

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Sujet : Re: So You Think You Can Const?
De : ben (at) *nospam* (Ben Bacarisse)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 10. Jan 2025, 02:04:01
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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Julio Di Egidio <> writes:

On 10/01/2025 00:23, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
Julio Di Egidio <> writes:
On 09/01/2025 02:09, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
Julio Di Egidio <> writes:
static AvlTree_t const *AvlTree_node(
      void const *pk, AvlTree_t const *pL, AvlTree_t const *pR
) {
      AvlTree_t *pT;
      pT = malloc(sizeof(AvlTree_t));
      if (!pT) {
          return NULL;
      pT->pk = pk;
      pT->pL = pL;
      pT->pR = pR;
      return pT;
Just on a side issue, I prefer to make tests like this positive so I'd
   static AvlTree_t const *AvlTree_node(
       void const *pk, AvlTree_t const *pL, AvlTree_t const *pR
   ) {
       AvlTree_t *pT = malloc(*pT);
         if (pT) {
           pT->pk = pk;
           pT->pL = pL;
           pT->pR = pR;
       return pT;
I'm not going to "make a case" for this (though I will if you want!) --
I just think it helps to see lots of different styles.
That is *more* error prone,
I would be happy for you to expand on why you say that.
all the more so if it's not a 5 liner...
There is no such thing as expanding 40 years of professional experience in
software engineering and programming and doing it properly since day one:
just think about that code and what I said for what it's worth, in
particular I haven't mentioned 5 liners by chance, things are quite more
complicated not in vitro.
And please do not hold a grudge about that: it's not me who was trying to
say how to write code... ;)

I was not trying to tell anyone how to write code.  You made a claim --
not even a qualified one, a categorical one -- the justification for
which I would have liked to know more about.


Not really, but no one is under any obligation here.  It's just a


Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Jan 25 * So You Think You Can Const?174Julio Di Egidio
7 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?80Kaz Kylheku
8 Jan 25 i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?79Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?77Ben Bacarisse
8 Jan 25 i  +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1David Brown
8 Jan 25 i  +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?72Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?64Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  ii+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jan 25 i  ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?62Ben Bacarisse
9 Jan 25 i  ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Kaz Kylheku
9 Jan 25 i  ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3David Brown
9 Jan 25 i  ii i +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
9 Jan 25 i  ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?54Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?53Ben Bacarisse
10 Jan 25 i  ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?46Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?44Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?43Tim Rentsch
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?38Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?36Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?34James Kuyper
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?32David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?29Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?28David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?26Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?25David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?22Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?16bart
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?15David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?7James Kuyper
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Dan Cross
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4James Kuyper
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3James Kuyper
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2David Brown
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Chris M. Thomasson
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii  +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Keith Thompson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Kenny McCormack
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i   `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Tim Rentsch
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Julio Di Egidio
18 Jan 25 i  ii i ii  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Tim Rentsch
19 Jan 25 i  ii i ii   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
20 Jan 25 i  ii i ii    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
10 Jan 25 i  ii i i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Ben Bacarisse
12 Jan 25 i  ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5Waldek Hebisch
12 Jan 25 i  ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
13 Jan 25 i  ii i i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1David Brown
15 Jan 25 i  ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i  ii`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Tim Rentsch
9 Jan 25 i  ii`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jan 25 i  i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Ben Bacarisse
9 Jan 25 i  i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Tim Rentsch
9 Jan 25 i  i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Ben Bacarisse
15 Jan 25 i  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?35David Brown
8 Jan 25 i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Ben Bacarisse
8 Jan 25 ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3David Brown
15 Jan 25 ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 ii  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i+* What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)28Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 ii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)25David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)2Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 iiii`- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)13Phillip
8 Jan 25 iiii+- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1Tim Rentsch
8 Jan 25 iiii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc?10Keith Thompson
8 Jan 25 iiiii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc?9Phillip
8 Jan 25 iiiii `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?8Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iiiii  `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?7Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   +* Re: What is wrong with malloc?4Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i+- Re: What is wrong with malloc?1Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i`* Re: What is wrong with malloc?2Michael S
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i `- Re: What is wrong with malloc?1Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?2David Brown
9 Jan 25 iiii`- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc?3Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)6Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 ii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)2James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
8 Jan 25 i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Keith Thompson
8 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?51Andrey Tarasevich
8 Jan 25 +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Tim Rentsch
13 Jan 25 +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 Jan 25 `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro

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