Re: So You Think You Can Const?

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Sujet : Re: So You Think You Can Const?
De : julio (at) *nospam* (Julio Di Egidio)
Groupes : comp.lang.c
Date : 13. Jan 2025, 20:30:39
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 13/01/2025 17:30, David Brown wrote:
On 13/01/2025 14:23, Julio Di Egidio wrote:
On 13/01/2025 09:58, David Brown wrote:
On 13/01/2025 04:10, James Kuyper wrote:
On 1/9/25 21:51, Julio Di Egidio wrote:
You can of course also argue that it is best to have the code ordered according to the normal flow of operations - error handling in the middle of the normal code flow can make it hard to follow the algorithm of a function.  (C++ exceptions are an extreme version of this.)  Some people might prefer a compromise:
Some people are just wrong and not even honest at that.
   **Please don't mind and don't feed the trolls**:
 There are a few trollish characters in this newsgroup, but I don't believe I have seen any in this thread.
Then, with all due respect, you are being naive: "let's also not forget to tell the OP how to write code" is a piece of it, for example.  But of course from an impolite and vile request (reread how I was asked initially) to me being the impolite one: it happens all the time everywhere, I don't even mind anymore.
Nor it can become my problem that people can hardly ready, indeed literalism, mangling quotes especially never going past a formal level that misses all that is substantial... which is where I said not all code paths are ifs: only formally those two pieces of code are equivalent.
In fact my explanations go quite past what is just obvious: what does it even mean "in the long run?", or that formal is just half of the story and not even the most relevant, more relevant is the concrete substance...?  And should I just repeat myself?  Really?  For that questioning??

I had the misfortune of calling out the utter and ugly bullshit from these characters in the past in other groups: this gang of nazi-retarded and mostly academic spammers and polluters of all ponds just hates my guts since then.
 Perhaps you have mixed up threads in different newsgroups?
Or perhaps you just don't know and in fact don't need to know all the gory details and pasty history.  I am sorry that I even have to explain, to you, who have been kind, polite, professional, to the point, helpful and competently so, etc.: and not just you of course.

BTW, on that C++ vs C issue (you know who you are), I respect that but I'd say it's wrong: C and C++ share nothing but some syntax, and one is high-level, not the other...
 While there is one person who posts primarily about C++ in this C group, and that can be annoying, it is not unreasonable to make occasional references or comparisons to C++ precisely because they are strongly related languages that share a great deal of overlap.
There is a discussion going on and not only in this thread about e.g. "destructors" and what that means: of course I am referring to that and nothing but that.  And there is nothing I need to add to that either: those who know already know (what I mean), and those who don't, please at least learn how to use question marks instead of just pretending. Mileages may very: your impoliteness or worse I won't take lightly.
And I hope that at least makes sense, and again I apologize to the innocent and well intentioned, but what can we do, this is the world we live in....  Anyway, of course, you be the judge.  I am out, indeed I am here for the C language, not for anything else: and as far as I am concerned this thread (surely my questions) is done.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Jan 25 * So You Think You Can Const?174Julio Di Egidio
7 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?80Kaz Kylheku
8 Jan 25 i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?79Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?77Ben Bacarisse
8 Jan 25 i  +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1David Brown
8 Jan 25 i  +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?72Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?64Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  ii+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jan 25 i  ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?62Ben Bacarisse
9 Jan 25 i  ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Kaz Kylheku
9 Jan 25 i  ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3David Brown
9 Jan 25 i  ii i +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
9 Jan 25 i  ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?54Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?53Ben Bacarisse
10 Jan 25 i  ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?46Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?44Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?43Tim Rentsch
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?38Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?36Julio Di Egidio
10 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?34James Kuyper
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?32David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?29Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?28David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?26Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?25David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?22Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?16bart
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?15David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?7James Kuyper
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Dan Cross
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5David Brown
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4James Kuyper
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3James Kuyper
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2David Brown
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Chris M. Thomasson
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii  +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i ii    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
14 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Keith Thompson
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Kenny McCormack
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i i   `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii i  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Tim Rentsch
15 Jan 25 i  ii i ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Julio Di Egidio
18 Jan 25 i  ii i ii  `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Tim Rentsch
19 Jan 25 i  ii i ii   `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
20 Jan 25 i  ii i ii    `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
10 Jan 25 i  ii i i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Ben Bacarisse
12 Jan 25 i  ii i +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?5Waldek Hebisch
12 Jan 25 i  ii i i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3Julio Di Egidio
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2David Brown
13 Jan 25 i  ii i ii `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
13 Jan 25 i  ii i i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1David Brown
15 Jan 25 i  ii i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 i  ii  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i  ii`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i  i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Tim Rentsch
9 Jan 25 i  ii`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
9 Jan 25 i  i`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Ben Bacarisse
9 Jan 25 i  i `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i  +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Tim Rentsch
9 Jan 25 i  i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Ben Bacarisse
15 Jan 25 i  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?35David Brown
8 Jan 25 i+* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Ben Bacarisse
8 Jan 25 ii`* Re: So You Think You Can Const?3David Brown
15 Jan 25 ii `* Re: So You Think You Can Const?2Julio Di Egidio
15 Jan 25 ii  `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 i+* What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)28Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 ii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)25David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)2Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 iiii`- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)13Phillip
8 Jan 25 iiii+- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1Tim Rentsch
8 Jan 25 iiii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc?10Keith Thompson
8 Jan 25 iiiii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc?9Phillip
8 Jan 25 iiiii `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?8Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iiiii  `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?7Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   +* Re: What is wrong with malloc?4Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i+- Re: What is wrong with malloc?1Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i`* Re: What is wrong with malloc?2Michael S
9 Jan 25 iiiii   i `- Re: What is wrong with malloc?1Phillip
9 Jan 25 iiiii   `* Re: What is wrong with malloc?2David Brown
9 Jan 25 iiii`- Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)1David Brown
8 Jan 25 iii+* Re: What is wrong with malloc?3Keith Thompson
9 Jan 25 iii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)6Julio Di Egidio
8 Jan 25 ii`* Re: What is wrong with malloc? (Was: So You Think You Can Const?)2James Kuyper
8 Jan 25 i+- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Kaz Kylheku
8 Jan 25 i`- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Keith Thompson
8 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?51Andrey Tarasevich
8 Jan 25 +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Tim Rentsch
13 Jan 25 +- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Chris M. Thomasson
15 Jan 25 +* Re: So You Think You Can Const?4Lawrence D'Oliveiro
26 Jan 25 `- Re: So You Think You Can Const?1Lawrence D'Oliveiro

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